首先,在点击这个按钮后会读取并展示这个代码库中的所有待评审的MR。选择某个MR,点击底部的Code Review按钮,就可以唤起代码评审的浮窗。 类似的,评审者可以通过Diff比对两个MR的差异,通过Comments 来阅读MR的消息(包括来自CI/质量门禁的消息)并填入审批人的审批意见。 当然,最后就是点击Merge 按钮来审批通过了。 合...
调用GET:https://fastqa.xxxx.com/api/review/work?projectId=xxxxx&mrId=xx接口即可发起Review,此处我们改造fastGPT代码去抓取Gitlab的MR信息和代码变更 projectId:项目ID mrId:MR请求ID 在Gitlab CI中添加以下内容 curl --location "https://fastqa.xxxxx.com/api/review/work?projectId=$CI_MERGE_REQUEST_PR...
在这里可以看到待处理的Merge Request,选中后点击Code Review就可以呼出Merge Request操作面板 Merge Request Diff Diff界面说明: 左侧是本次合并的commit记录,右侧是本次合并的文件。双击对应文件即可查看差异明细 Merge Request Comments Comments界面可以查看指定Merge Reuqest评论信息,也可以添加评论,双击可以查看完整评论内...
也就是说,使用GitLab进行Code Review就是在分支合并环节发起Merge Request,然后Code Review完成后将代码合并到目标分支。 3、本教程适用环境信息 虽然Code Review不一定非要结合IDE来做,但是也不得不感谢JetBrains开发了几乎覆盖所有主流编程语言的IDE JetBrains Tools目前覆盖的主流语言有:C/C++、C#、DS...
也就是说,使用GitLab进行Code Review就是在分支合并环节发起Merge Request,然后Code Review完成后将代码合并到目标分支。 二、 GitLab Code Review 配置 1. 通用Git工作流说明 新项目创建后,从master分支创建develop分支。 开发人员从develop分支创建自己的feature分支进行开发。
To leave your comment unpublished until you finish a review, selectStart a review, or use the keyboard shortcut: macOS:Command+Enter All other OSes:Control+Enter The comment displays on the merge request’sOverviewtab. The comment is not displayed on your project’sCode > Commitspage. ...
to perform a self-review of your own merge request, following theCode Reviewguidelines. During this self-review, try to include comments in the MR on lines where decisions or trade-offs were made, or where a contextual explanation might aid the reviewer in more easily understanding the code....
Code reviews ensure developers ship the highest quality code through systematic assessments designed to identify bugs.
Consider one-on-one chats or video calls if there are too many "I didn't understand" or "Alternative solution:" comments. Post a follow-up comment summarizing one-on-one discussion. Having your code reviewed The first reviewer of your code isyou. Before you perform that first push of you...
Consider one-on-one chats or video calls if there are too many "I didn't understand" or "Alternative solution:" comments. Post a follow-up comment summarizing one-on-one discussion. Having your code reviewed The first reviewer of your code isyou. Before you perform that first push of you...