例如,在 Git 命令中: bash git clone http://<gitlab-server-ip>/<project-path>.git 综上所述,解决 "could not resolve host" 错误通常涉及检查网络连接、DNS 解析和 GitLab 配置。如果问题依旧存在,可能需要进一步调查网络配置或与 GitLab 管理员联系以获取帮助。
unable to access 'http://gitlab.xxxx/gateway.git/': Could not resolve host xxxx 从提示上看,是无法理解这个域名。解决方案有如下两种: 1.将域名换成ip 比如http://gitlab.xxxx 对应的ip为 172.x.x.x ,那么我们只要在git clone的时候变成ip就好。 2.添加host记录 这里以Windows为例,如果是Mac os ...
unable to access 'http://gitlab.xxxx/gateway.git/': Could not resolve host xxxx 从提示上看,是无法理解这个域名。解决方案有如下两种: 1.将域名换成ip 比如http://gitlab.xxxx 对应的ip为 172.x.x.x ,那么我们只要在git clone的时候变成ip就好。 2.添加host记录 这里以Windows为例,如果是Mac os ...
fatal: unable to access 'http://gitlab-xxxxxxxxxxxxx/gitlab-instance-xxxxxxx/runner-test01.git/': Could not resolve host: gitlab-b586xxxxxxxxxx 1. 截图 3. 分析 gitlab部署的时候宿主机映射端口修改过的小伙伴,可能会跟我遇到相同问题 因为gitlab默认端口为80,而我们自己部署gitlab时将端口映射为别...
原来是因为github.com没有被主机给解析 1.第一步是 ping 你的gitlab 或者 github服务器ip地址 如果每隔几秒有 time = xx.ms 刷新 就证明是通的 2. 编辑 etc/host 根据原有的样式 添加需要新增的目标地址 3. 现在应该可以 成功 git clone
$ git clone http://gitlab01.D4devel-yx.dev/zhaoshuli/AppScaffold.gitCloninginto'AppScaffold'...fatal:unable to access'http://xxx.git/':Couldnot resolve host:你的项目域名地址 其中xxx为你的项目地址域名 去网上搜索资料找到一个靠谱的解决方案 ...
#ping:gitlab.123.com:Name or service not known 查看dns服务配置: 发现做了特殊配置,但是因为特殊服务需要,不能修改dns服务,这个时候,只能用host方式绑定域名了 vim /etc/hosts > gitlab.123.com 绑定域名后再ping,正常通信,git clone回复正常 ...
$ git clone --depth=50 --branch=master git@gitlab.com:rainchen/react-rails-img.git rainchen/react-rails-img Cloning into 'rainchen/react-rails-img'... ssh: Could not resolve hostname gitlab.com: Name or service not known fatal: Could not...
Basically, the script tries to perform nslookup on the gitlab host url every 5 seconds, retrying up to 5 times. The numbers can be changed as required. - name: RUNNER_PRE_CLONE_SCRIPT value: 'i=1 && until nslookup <replace.with.gitlab.host> || [ $i -gt 5 ]; do echo waiting ...
(not sure if this is the default behavior, as it's not configured in our pipeline). Sometimes this clone passes through without any issues and other times it fails with "fatal: unable to access 'https://gitlab.com/x/x/': Could not resolve host: gitlab.com". The error doesn't ...