.gitlab-ci.yml 的 rules 配置,能让我们根据自定义的筛选条件,控制 job 是否执行: 这段脚本我只想在 dev 分支执行,另一段只想在 master 分支执行; 这段脚本我只想在 master 分支上打 tag 的时候触发,其他情况不触发; 这段脚本我只想在 这些文件产生变更时触发,其他情况不触发; ...
static_check:rules:-if:'$CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "merge_request_event"'# 是合 pr 的时候才执行该 jobtags:-dockerstage:verifyscript:# 执行的操作-makeclean-makegenproto-gomodvendor-makelintinterruptible:trueverify_import_alias:rules:-if:'$CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "merge_request_event"'# 是合 pr...
gitlab ci rules用法 GitLab CI/CD(Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment)是一个持续集成和持续交付的工具,可以帮助开发人员自动化构建、测试和部署代码。 在GitLab CI中,rules(规则)是用来定义什么条件下应该运行特定的作业或工作流的指令。它是在.gitlab-ci.yml文件中使用的关键字。 rules的基本语法如下:...
sudo yum install gitlab-ci-multi-runner 如果发现拉取不了,则需要切换源,操作如下 AI检测代码解析 1. curl -L https://packages.gitlab.com/install/repositories/runner/gitlab-ci-multi-runner/script.rpm.sh | sudo bash 2. sudo yum install gitlab-ci-multi-runner 1. 2. 注册runner AI检测代码解析...
Home/Manuals/Docker Scout/Integrations/Continuous Integration/GitLab CI/CD The following examples runs in GitLab CI in a repository containing a Docker image's definition and contents. Triggered by a commit, the pipeline builds the image. If the commit was to the default branch, it uses Docker...
For a collection of examples, seeGitLab CI/CD Examples. To see a large.gitlab-ci.ymlfile used in an enterprise, see the.gitlab-ci.ymlfile forgitlab. NOTE:Note:If you have amirrored repository where GitLab pulls from, you may need to enable pipeline triggering in your project'sSettings...
前言 本篇文章继续讲解GitLab CI/CD的关键词,本篇主要讲解的五个关键词 only ,except, rules, workflow 。他们的作用很类似,主要作用是使用变量,或其他条件来限定作业或者流水线是否运行。话不多说,让我们开始吧。 条件限定only/except 关键词only与except是用于控制当前作业是否被运行,或运行时机。only是只有当条...
build: stage: build script: - | ${BUILD_SHELL} variables: GIT_CHECKOUT: "true" rules: - if: " $RUN_PIPELINE_BUILD == 'no' " when: never - when: always ## 构建镜像 .build-docker: stage: buildimage script: - docker login -u $CI_REGISTRY_USER -p $CI_REGISTRY_PASSWD $CI_...
讲完pipeline,继续回到运行时机的概念,gitlab ci 中使用 rules 属性来确定某一个 job 的运行时机。 job:build: stage: build tags: - my-build-runner rules: # push feature 分支的时候触发 - if: $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH =~ /^feature/ # git tag 名称以 v 开头的时候触发 ...
lab.com/gitlab-org/release-cli:latest rules: - if: $CI_COMMIT_TAG # Run this job when a tag is created script: - echo "running release_job" release: # See https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/yaml/#release for available properties tag_name: '$CI_COMMIT_TAG' description: '$CI_COMMIT_...