error: could not lock config file //.gitconfig: Permission denied This has been reported in the past: #32145 #3511 (closed) However, mostly fixed with deep in the ways how runners are deployen on OpenShift etc. and it can actually be also easily reproduced on regular docker runners. ...
Storage Driver: aufs $ docker run --rm -it gitlab/gitlab-runner-helper:x86_64-v13.2.1 git config --global http. /builds/administration/runner-test.tmp/CI_SERVER_TLS_CA_FILE error: could not lock config file /root/.gitconfig: Operation not permitted...
CI/CD variable security Code pushed to the .gitlab-ci.yml file could compromise your variables. Variables could be accidentally exposed in a job log, or maliciously sent to a third party server. Review all merge requests that introduce changes to the .gitlab-ci.yml file before you: ...
CI/CD variable security Code pushed to the .gitlab-ci.yml file could compromise your variables. Variables could be accidentally exposed in a job log, or maliciously sent to a third party server. Review all merge requests that introduce changes to the .gitlab-ci.yml file before you: ...
配置CI/CD 什么是GitLab Runner 安装GitLab Runner运行器 注册GitLab Runner 由于多次注册,Runner ID不是从1开始处理方法 启动运行器 触发GitLab Runner执行流水线任务 本文讲解在CentOS7安装GitLab(使用外部Nginx配置)的基础上,对GitLab进行汉化,并配置CI持续集成工具gitlab-runner。
GitLab CI是GitLab Continuous Integration(Gitlab 持续集成)的简称。从GitLab的 8.0 版本开始,GitLab就全面集成了Gitlab-CI,并且对所有项目默认开启。只要在项目仓库的根目录添加.gitlab-ci.yml文件,并且配置了Runner(运行器),那么每一次合并请求(MR)或者push都会触发CI pipeline。
gitlab 创建的项目怎么不带Path gitlab ci 一、介绍 GitLab CI 是 GitLab 为了提升其在软件开发工程中作用,完善 DevOPS 理念所加入的 CI/CD 基础功能。可以便捷的融入软件开发环节中。通过 GitLab CI 可以定义完善的 CI/CD Pipeline。 现在很多公司用gitlab来作为代码仓库、版本控制软件,在加上gitlab的自动化...
CI/CD GTM Sales Plays CMO Shadow Program Core DevOps Solutions Corporate Communications Handbook Demand Generation Developer Relations Community Learning Pathway: Course Resources Community Programs Contributor Success Team Core Team Developer Advocacy Developer Relations - Content Effectiveness ...
它配备了 GitLab CI,用于持续集成和交付 0x01 环境安装 CentOS Gitlab 基础要求:至少4GB的空闲RAM来运行GitLab 系统:CentOSLinuxrelease 8.0.1905 (Core)GitLab 12.9.2 (ac5568eb5d8) GitLab Shell 12.0.0 GitLab Workhorse v8.25.1 GitLab APIv 4 Ruby 2.6.5p114 Rails 6.0.2PostgreSQL10.12 Gitaly Server...
一体化平台效率高 极狐GitLab CI/CD 是极狐GitLab 一体化 DevOps 平台的一部分功能。该功能可以和项目...