相对于GitHub Actions,GitLab CI/CD在社区的活跃度和开源资源方面稍显不足,另外对于新手用户来说,学习曲线相对较陡,使用起来可能需要一定的时间和精力。 劣势 的缺点在于其相对较新的推出时间,因此在一些功能和稳定性方面可能还不如GitLab CI/CD成熟。另外,GitHub Actions的高级功能可能需要额外的付费,对于一些小型项...
jobs: deploy_prod: if: contains( github.ref, 'master') runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - run: echo "Deploy to production server" 有关详细信息,请参阅“表达式”。 作业之间的依赖关系 GitLab CI/CD 和 GitHub Actions 允许您为作业设置依赖项。 在这两个系统中,默认情况下作...
GitLab CI/CD 的条件和表达式语法 deploy_prod:stage:deployscript:-echo"Deploy to production server"rules:-if:'$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == "master"' GitHub Actions 的条件和表达式语法 jobs:deploy_prod:if:contains(github.ref,'master')runs-on:ubuntu-lateststeps:-run:echo"Deploy to production server" ...
GitHub Actions 对比 GitLab CI/CD 最大的不足是没有手动步骤。 以往内部用 GitLab 搭 DevOps 流程用到的一个特性,就是把 Pipeline 拆分为 build - deploy - rollback 三个 stage,其中 rollback 里放一个手动...
Part of CI/CD Collective 1 I just started to migrate all my GitLab repositories to GitHub. I wasn't using GitHub for a while so I stumbled over the - at least for me new feature - GitHub Actions. Since I just started a new project, I wanted to use GitHub Actions for build and ...
Git是一个开源的分布式版本控制系统(DVCS),允许开发人员从任何地方甚至离线工作在同一个项目上。GitHub、GitLab和它们的替代品是提供Git存储库远程托管的云服务,同时具有任务管理、维基、CI等功能。 让我们进一步解析。 Git是什么,为什么使用它? Git是一个开源的(免费使用)分布式版本控制系统,由Linux开发社区(由Linus...
Git with a cup of tea! Painless self-hosted all-in-one software development service, including Git hosting, code review, team collaboration, package registry and CI/CD githubgitgogolangdevopsgitlabvuebitbucketgiteagit-servercicdhacktoberfestnpm-registrygit-guidocker-registry-v2github-actionsmaven-...
GitHub has expanded its offerings to include GitHub Actions, a native CI/CD tool that integrates within the platform. This tool allows you to automate your workflows and build custom pipelines for your project. Additionally, GitHub Actions integrates seamlessly with version control, building on the ...
GitHub: Preferred open-source development platform since it has a larger community. The best for working on or contributing to open-source projects. GitLab: A reasonable option with an unlimited number of free private repositories. Provides extensive built-in functionality including CI/CD and project...
.gitlab-ci.yml Experiment with pushing internal job metrics to InfluxDB Sep 27, 2023 .gitleaksignore Create a documentation page for runner token migration Jun 6, 2023 .gitpod.yml Open GDK in Gitpod in a new tab Jul 10, 2023 .haml-lint.yml ...