GitLab instance URL:项目CI的实例URL,使用项目CI配置(Settings-CI/CD-Runners-Set up a specific Runner manually)中的信息,为下图中的第1处信息。 registration token:项目CI的实例token,使用项目CI配置(Settings-CI/CD-Runners-Set up a specific Runner manually)中的信息,为下图中的第2处信息。 description:R...
When viewing a merge request, you see: A description of the request. Code changes and inline code reviews. Information about CI/CD pipelines. Mergeability reports. Comments. The list of commits. Create a merge request Learn the various ways tocreate a merge request. ...
管道符、作业控制 ctrl z //暂停一个任务 jobs //查看后台的任务 bg [id] //把任务调到后台 fg ...
The merge request from a forked project does not run sucessfully. Based on missing variable "BASE_CONTENT_URL" We should try to replace it with the existing "CI_PROJECT_URL" variable and add the Rest of the path. One big point is that the builded package will have the apecific readme ...
接下来,就可以定义项目构建流程了。项目的构建流程是由项目根目录的.gitlab-ci.yml文件控制的。当然了,一个pipeline可以涉及到多个runner。 .gitlab-ci.yml# 定义一个pipline,以下为示例 Copy variables:DOCKER_TLS_CERTDIR:"/certs"# stage也可以自定义stages:-buildjar# - test-buildandrunimage#job's name...
从GitLab 8.0 开始,GitLab CI 就已经集成在 GitLab 中,我们只要在项目中添加一个.gitlab-ci.yml文件,然后添加一个 Runner,即可进行持续集成。 而且随着 GitLab 的升级,GitLab CI 变得越来越强大,本文将介绍如何使用 GitLab CI 进行持续集成。 一些概念 ...
job1:script:- echo "This job runs in merge request pipelines"rules:-if:$CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == 'merge_request_event' You can also use theworkflow: ruleskeyword to configure the entire pipeline to run in merge request pipelines. For example: ...
sudo gitlab-runner register\--non-interactive\--url"https://托管gitlab的域名/"\--registration-token"runner的密钥,需要从 gitlab CI/CD 设置中获取"\--executor"shell"\--description"当前runner的描述信息"\--tag-list"tag-name-for-current-runner"\--run-untagged="false"\--locked="false" ...
and the original pipelines on the original commit just don’t run at all? To put it another way, enabled Merged Results pipelines in settings seems to have turned: rules: -if: $CI_MERGE_REQUEST_EVENT_TYPE == 'detached' into rules: -if: False...
So the only thing I want to do is, I want to write a CI yaml file which I will schedule to run every 30 minutes or so to check for open merge request and merge them if they can be merged. Confusion: I am able to achieve this via writing multiple curl requests, but I am not ...