今天leader 给了我一个任务,针对以下 git 分支需要走 CI 流程 master iteration/* 简单翻阅了 gitlab-ci 的文档,找到了 only这个关键字,于是洋洋洒洒的写出了核心配置 only:-master-/^iteration\/*$/ 只见leader 轻蔑一笑,让我去测试一下 merge request 流程。 一种不祥的预感涌上心头... gitlab-ci是 git...
When you open a merge request, you can visualize and collaborate on the changes before merge. Merge requests include: A description of the request. Code changes and inline code reviews. Information about CI/CD pipelines. A comment section for discussion threads. ...
Summary Using "only: merge_requests" in .gitlab-ci.yml for a stage make the job of the other stage not visible in the gitlab...
GitLab instance URL:项目CI的实例URL,使用项目CI配置(Settings-CI/CD-Runners-Set up a specific Runner manually)中的信息,为下图中的第1处信息。 registration token:项目CI的实例token,使用项目CI配置(Settings-CI/CD-Runners-Set up a specific Runner manually)中的信息,为下图中的第2处信息。 description:R...
Currently, it is possible to specify regrexp and special keywords to filter the build branches at.gitlab-ci.yml, but it is not possible to set up a job only to be run on a pipeline associated with a merge request. This would be useful for defining different behavior for merge requests...
CI_PIPELINE_IID:项目内的流水线 ID,从 1 开始自增,每次提交触发流水线都会自增; CI_MERGE_REQUEST_IID:项目内的合并请求 ID,从 1 开始自增,每次新建合并自增,但多次提交不会变。 可以看出CI_PIPELINE_IID适合做测试包的构建号。 拼接出想要的格式,使用 sed 命令替换: ...
job: script: "echo Hello, Rules!" rules: - if: '$CI_MERGE_REQUEST_TARGET_BRANCH_NAME == "master"' when: manual allow_failure: true 1. 在此示例中,如果第一个规则匹配,则作业将具有以下when: manual和allow_failure: true。 workflow:rules ...
管道符、作业控制 ctrl z //暂停一个任务 jobs //查看后台的任务 bg [id] //把任务调到后台 fg ...
gitlab在项目设置中,找到Merge Request 代码语言:javascript 复制 Only allow merge requests to be mergedifthe pipeline succeeds Pipelines need to be configured to enablethisfeature.Only allow merge requests to be mergedifall discussions are resolved ...
由于现在大多数公司使用私有化 git 仓库产品时一般选择 gitlab,所以借助其提供的 gitlab ci 功能来做 CI (ContinuousIntegration,可持续集成) 任务还是比较普遍的一种选型。本篇文档作为一个 gitlab 的入门教程,会设计到 gitlab runner 和 gitlab-ci.yml 文件的编写两部分内容。