curl -s "" | sudo apt-key add - echo "deb ./" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gitlab-ci-local.list sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install gitlab-ci-local Note that the path /et...
公司的gitlab关联到自己的github,由于公司项目管理需要搭建自己的gitlab(搭建于公司的云服务器)【注:一个工程中涉及多个项目,不花钱github无法建组而造成项目结构混乱】 自己的电脑需要同时管理gitlab和github不同平台的代码,需要一台电脑上配置两个SSH,以方便自己在工作和个人空间上的快速切换,提高效率。 二、搭建git...
curl -s""|sudo apt-key add -echo"deb ./"|sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gitlab-ci-local.list#OR#MUST be `.asc` at least for older apts (e.g. Ubuntu Focal), since the key is ASCI...
Integrates GitlabCiLocal with all the Jetbrains IDEs. Install Install via Jetbrains Marketplace. GitlabCiLocal IntelliJ Plugin is a plugin integrating GitlabCiLocal with IntelliJ IDEs. It creates a toolbar on the right side of ...
构建好的镜像能跑起来, 项目地址: 为了不每次提交,本地可以做一些模拟 gitlab ci 的测试≈,主要实现方式是 启动 docker 容器中做编译打包环境,挂在项目目录的形式
[Double-dong.local]: gitlab-ci Please enter the gitlab-ci tags for this runner (comma separated): python3.4 Registering runner... succeeded runner=6-uZ1ndZ Please enter the executor: docker+machine, kubernetes, ssh, virtualbox, docker-ssh, parallels, shell, docker-ssh+machine, custom, dock...
4. GitLab CI user: sudoadduser--disabled-login--gecos'GitLab CI'gitlab_ci 5. Get code cd/home/gitlab_ci/ sudo -u gitlab_ci -H gitclone sudo -u gitlab_ci -H git checkout 3-0-stable ...
GitLab Community Edition是一个自托管软件套件,提供Git存储库托管,项目跟踪,CI/CD服务和Docker镜像注册表等功能。要存储我们的源代码,运行CI / CD任务以及托管Docker注册表,我们需要在Ubuntu服务器上安装Git
Gitlab:git.local 基本步骤# 配置GitLab CI/CD Runner# 首先,在本地或公司内网的机器上设置一个GitLab CI/CD Runner,该Runner将用于执行CI/CD任务。确保该Runner已经正确配置和注册到GitLab服务器。 注册流程# 下载Gitlab Runner 下载地址: ...
GitLab CI/CD 的条件和表达式语法 deploy_prod:stage:deployscript:-echo"Deploy to production server"rules:-if:'$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == "master"' GitHub Actions 的条件和表达式语法 jobs:deploy_prod:if:contains(github.ref,'master')runs-on:ubuntu-lateststeps:-run:echo"Deploy to production server" ...