如果你想要工作目录与仓库中特定 的标签版本完全一样,可以使用git checkout -b [branchname] [tagname]在特定的标签上创建一个 新分支: $ git checkout -b version2 v2.0.0Switched to a new branch 'version2' $ git checkout -b version2 v2.0.0 Switched to a new branch 'version2' 1. 2. 3....
when: on_success-if:'$DOMAIN == "example.com"'when: on_success- when: on_success 示例4:rules:allow_failure 使用allow_failure: truerules:在不停止管道本身的情况下允许作业失败或手动作业等待操作. job: script:"echo Hello, Rules!"rules:-if:'$CI_MERGE_REQUEST_TARGET_BRANCH_NAME == "master"...
然后在devops-demo-service项目的.gitlab-ci.yml里编写CI代码: stages: - deploy workflow: rules: - changes: - .ci/* when: never - when: always triggers: stage: deploy trigger: project: devops6/devops6-gitlabci-demo branch: main strategy: depend ## 状态同步 triggers2: stage: deploy tr...
job:script:"echo Hello, Rules!"rules:-if:'$CI_MERGE_REQUEST_TARGET_BRANCH_NAME == "master"'when:manual allow_failure:true 在此示例中,如果第一个规则匹配,则作业将具有以下when: manual和allow_failure: true。 workflow:rules 顶级workflow:关键字适用于整个管道,并将确定是否创建管道。when :可以设置...
updateGitlabCommitStatus name:'build',state:'pending' 不同分支走不同的构建方式 代码语言:javascript 复制 if(env.BRANCH_NAME=='master'||env.BRANCH_NAME=='dev'){stage("Build Docker Image"){echo"build docker image"echo"Only dev/master branch can build docker image"}if(env.BRANCH_NAME=='dev...
通过Gitlab CI完成Flask web Service服务代码风格检查、单元测试、打包、发布到k8s环境里面,同时我们会在.gitlab-ci.yml文件中配置基于分支branch和tag的匹配执行相应的操作任务。Flask web Service是一个带有web登录界面的测试代码服务,服务运行的端口为5000,下面是该服务构建Docker镜像的Dockerfile ...
CICD详解之gitlab,Jenkins 回到顶部 持续集成概念 持续集成Continuous Integration 持续交付Continuous Delivery 持续部署Continuous Deployment 什么是持续集成: 持续集成是指开发者在代码的开发过程中,可以频繁的将代码部署集成到主干,并进程自动化测试 什么是持续交付:...
讲完pipeline,继续回到运行时机的概念,gitlab ci 中使用 rules 属性来确定某一个 job 的运行时机。 job:build: stage: build tags: - my-build-runner rules: # push feature 分支的时候触发 - if: $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH =~ /^feature/ # git tag 名称以 v 开头的时候触发 ...
When you create a merge request, the workflow checks the name of the branch. If the branch name matches the workflow, the merge request targets the branch you specify. If the branch name does not match, the merge request targets the default branch of the project. ...
-echo"This job deploys something from the$CI_COMMIT_BRANCHbranch." environment: production 创建完成之后,就会生成一个runner来运行这个管道,运行的结果如下所示 如下的展示结果则代表四个作业都正常的执行成功。 before_script/script/after_script Gitlab CI/CD 是一个功能强大的工具,它提供了自动化的软件开发...