在每个项目中,使用名为.gitlab-ci.yml的YML文件配置Gitlab CL/CD管道,在文件中可以定义一个或多个作业(job)每个作业必须具有唯一名称(不能使用关键字),每个作业是独立运行的,作业定义了在约束条件下进行相关操作,每个作业至少要包含一个script. 例: job1: script: "execute-script-for-job1" job2: script: ...
template Include templates which are provided by GitLab. local示例如下: include: - local: '/templates/.gitlab-ci-template.yml' include: '.gitlab-ci-production.yml' file示例如下: include: - project: 'my-group/my-project' ref: master file: '/templates/.gitlab-ci-template.yml' - project...
GitLab is an open source end-to-end software development platform with built-in version control, issue tracking, code review, CI/CD, and more. Self-host GitLab on your own servers, in a...
template Include templates which are provided by GitLab. local示例如下: include: - local: '/templates/.gitlab-ci-template.yml' include: '.gitlab-ci-production.yml' file示例如下: include: - project: 'my-group/my-project' ref: master file: '/templates/.gitlab-ci-template.yml' - project...
include: '.gitlab-ci-production.yml'复制代码 1. include:file 要在同一个GitLab实例下包含来自另一个私有项目的文件,请使用包括:文件。使用相对于根目录(/)的完整路径引用此文件。例如: include: - project: 'my-group/my-project' file: '/templates/.gitlab-ci-template.yml'复制代码 ...
从版本7.12开始,GitLab CI使用YAML文件(.gitlab-ci.yml)进行项目配置,该文件位于代码仓库的根目录中,包含有关如何构建项目的pipeline,以及ppeline需要完成哪些工作。 pipeline 一次Pipeline 其实相当于一次构建任务,里面可以包含多个流程,如build、test、deploy测试服务器、部署生产服务器等流程,任何成员的commit push到Gi...
GitLab's Guide to Total Rewards Hiring & Talent Acquisition Handbook IT IT Enterprise Applications Labor and Employment Notices Leadership Legal & Corporate Affairs ("LACA") Marketing People Group People Policies Product Development Flow Product Handbook Sales Security at GitLab ...
CI/CD GTM Sales Plays CMO Shadow Program Core DevOps Solutions Corporate Communications Handbook Demand Generation Developer Relations Digital Experience Handbook Field Marketing FY22 Marketing Plan FY23 Marketing Plan GitLab Event Information Event Requirements GitLab Marketing Team READMEs...
include:-local:'/templates/.gitlab-ci-template.yml' 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制 Cloud Studio代码运行 include:-project:'my-group/my-project'ref:masterfile:'/templates/.gitlab-ci-template.yml'-project:'my-group/my-project'ref:v1.0.0file:'/templates/.gitlab-ci-template.yml'-proje...
Project information GitLab is an open source end-to-end software development platform with built-in version control, issue tracking, code review, CI/CD, and more. Self-host GitLab on your own servers, in a container, or on a cloud provider. ...