1、gitlab ci的地址以及token,从你要配置该runner到哪个项目,就去gitlab下该项目首页右侧设置—》CI/CD Pipelines—》Specific Runners下可以找到,也可以注册称共享runner。 2、gitlab-ci tags这个很重要,在项目构建流程yaml文件里面指定tag,就是匹配使用哪个tag的runner,这里我定义了hwy,回头再配置文件里面就指定这个...
With this script, every time we push a commit, GitLab CI checks if the branch that commit belongs to already has an open MR and, if not, it creates it. It then assigns the MR to you, and putsWIPin the title to mark it as a work in progress. In this way you cannot forget...
Prevent tag deletion Tier: Premium, Ultimate Offering: GitLab.com, GitLab Self-Managed, GitLab DedicatedTo prevent users from removing a tag with git push, create a push rule. Trigger pipelines from a tag GitLab CI/CD provides a predefined variable, CI_COMMIT_TAG, to identify tags in ...
预生产环境没问题后,从release分支提mr到master分支,,然后打tag上线,GitLab CI将项目代码自动构建并部署到生产环境,然后进行回归测试,有问题再发版。 至此一次需求的完整开发流程就告一段落了,其中构建/部署等一些重复工作都是GitLab CI帮我们完成,对此一直很好奇,接下来我们就来尝试搭建一个使用GitLab CI的项目。
配置jobs 文件 .gitlab-ci.yml YAML文件管理配置 job . 文件存放于仓库的根目录, 命名为.gitlab-ci.yml, 定义了 job 应该如何工作. Job YAML 文件定义了一系列带有约束说明的job,job至少需要要包含script: 示例: job1: script: "execute-script-for-job1" ...
Why Premium? Why Ultimate? Solutions Digital transformation Security & Compliance Automated Software Delivery Agile Delivery Cloud transformation SCM CI/CD Value stream management GitOps Enterprise Small Business Startups Nonprofits Public sector Education ...
了解gitlab-ci流程 作用 GitLab CI是GitLab内置的进行持续集成的工具。它的中心思想是,当每一次push到GitLab的时候,都会触发一次脚本执行,脚本的内容可以包括测试、编译、部署等一系列自定义的内容。 在GitLab中,要使用CI,需要在仓库根目录下创建一个名为.gitlab
GitLab automatically creates a JSON file that lists everything in the release, so you can compare and audit releases. This file is called release evidence. You can add release notes and a message for the tag associated with the release. After you create a release, you can associate milestone...
gitlab-ci Executor=docker Token=NkYLeMbbpJ2NyuwxaVKG URL=http://gitlab.example.com/ ➜ [/Users/mac] gitlab-runner register Runtime platform arch=amd64 os=darwin pid=61621 revision=21cb397c version=13.0.1 WARNING: Running in user-mode. ...
For example, if a runner has the ruby tag, you would add this code to your project’s .gitlab-ci.yml file: Copy to clipboard job: tags: - ruby When the job runs, it uses the runner with the ruby tag. Configuring runners You can configure the runner by editing the config.toml fi...