第一,admin area 修改:Maximum artifacts size 这一步需要gitlab的管理员账户,左上角admin area settings, 然后左下角settings->CI/CD settings 修改Maximum artifacts size 第二,修改gitlab.rb配置文件 sudo vi /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb 找到 nginx['client_max_body_size'] ='250m' 然后: gitlab-ctl recon...
You can generate multiple JaCoCo or Cobertura reports within a job and include them in the final job artifact usingwildcards. The results of the reports are aggregated in the final coverage report. GitLab can display the results of coverage report in the merge requestdiff annotations. ...
那就是 Heresy 沒有設定 artifact 的過期日,結果這些 artifact 都按照預設值,會保存四周。 而其結果,就是這個專案明明只有不到 400KB,卻佔用了 15GB 的空間… 而實際上,這些資料是完全沒有必要保存這麼久的… 處理方法呢,基本上就是在.gitlab-ci.yml中,幫 artifacts 的加上expire_in這項參數了(官方文件)。
Artifacts are files that are generated by a job so they can be stored and uploaded. You can fetch and use artifacts in jobs in later stages of the same pipeline. You can’t create an artifact in a job in one stage, and use this artifact in a different job in the same stage. This ...
<artifactId>maven-surefire-plugin</artifactId> <configuration> <skipTests>true</skipTests> </configuration> </plugin> 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 然后把项目提交push,成功之后查看流水线执行结果,点击CICD->Popelines, 进来之后看到有一个任务执行失败了,看看什么原因导致的,往下看 ...
https://kheresy.wordpress.com/2021/03/19/remove-all-artifact-of-gitlab-ci-cd/ https://www.arsano.ninja/2019/05/09/automate-gitlab-artifact-deletion/ https://gist.github.com/carceneaux/b75d483e3e0cb798ae60c424300d5a0b https://gitlab.com/-/snippets/1979158 ...
首先启动终端。 单击屏幕左上角的Ubuntu图标,在弹出的窗口中点击搜索栏,输入“terminal”, 稍等...
FYI: Automatic artifact expiration has been added via MR!4200 (merged). I've proposed some admin controls for managing artifacts in#18351 (已移动). Jürgen Steinblock@j-steinblock·8 years ago Contributor @jonathon-reinhart Is this enabled by default and what does that mean for existing artifa...
Tutorial: Create a GitLab pipeline to push to Google Artifact Registry Tutorial: Create and deploy a web service with the Google Cloud Run component Migrate to GitLab CI/CD Migrate from Bamboo Migrate from CircleCI Migrate from GitHub Actions Migrate from Jenkins Migrate a Maven build...
As a developer, you have the ability to specify a job artifact’s exact expiration date, but there are scenarios where you may need to retain an artifact forever. Now, you can set an artifact to never expire by setting the value of expire_in to never in your CI configuration. Documentati...