When a branch matches multiple rules, the most permissive rule determines the level of protection for the branch. For example, consider these rules, which include wildcards:Branch name patternAllowed to mergeAllowed to push and merge v1.x Maintainer Maintainer v1.* Maintainer + Developer Maintaine...
1. 简介: 保护某个分支,不让项目中其它的成员进行改变里面的内容,和不允许他们进行和保护的分支进行合并。当某个分支设置为保护的时候,那么拥有开者者权限或以下的权限都会受到影响。 2. 使用管理员进入到Gitlab服务器。 3. 切换到你想要保护的项目。 4. 点击【settings】 5. 点击Protection branches... 《...
If you don’t have the Maintainer or Owner role, the default branch protection must be set to Partially protected or Not protected for you to push a commit to the default branch. To add a default branch to a blank project: On the left sidebar, select Search or go to and find your pr...
A blank project does not contain a branch, but you can add one. Prerequisites: You must have at least the Developer role for the project. If you don’t have the Maintainer or Owner role, the default branch protection must be set to Partially protected or Not protected for you to push ...
第一步:Team1_Dev(开发人员)创建MR并提交,MR主要填写以下5个参数:(同步你可以根据团队情况选择勾选【remove source branch when merge request is accepted】) Title Description Assignee Source branch Target branch 第二步:Team1_Leader登录,在【Merge Request】的角标已经提醒有一个request需要审核。
第一步:Team1_Dev(开发人员)创建MR并提交,MR主要填写以下5个参数:(同步你可以根据团队情况选择勾选【remove source branch when merge request is accepted】) Title Description Assignee Source branch Target branch 第二步:Team1_Leader登录,在【Merge Request】的角标已经提醒有一个request需要审核。
To stop people from messing with history or pushing code without review, we've createdprotected branchesto add a layer of branch protection. A protected branch does three simple things: it prevents pushes from everybody except users with Maintainer permission ...
进入项目首页后,鼠标放到项目左侧的“Setting”上方, 选择“Repository” 在分支保护规则“Branch Protection Rules”中点击“edit”, 即可切换主分支。 参考:github怎样切换默认分支 __EOF__
Administrators of GitLab Self-Managed instances can customize the initial default branch protection for projects hosted on that instance. Individual groups and subgroups can override the instance default setting for their projects. On the left sidebar, at the bottom, selectAdmin. ...
gitlab中的角色分管理员和使用者,管理员即administrator(root)用户,使用者分创建者(owner)、维护者(maintainer)、开发者(developer)、reporter(不知道怎么翻译才好)、访客(guest)。 下表列出了所有使用者所拥有的权限,常规开发中,我们一般仅使用owner、maintainer、developer这三个角色。