###获取gitlab的所有user名称以及ID### users = gl.users.list(all=True) for user in users: print(user.username,user.id,user.name,user.state) def assproject(): project_name = str(input('Input your repo name: ')) projects = gl.projects.list(search=project_name) for line in projects :...
req_data=project_user.json()foriinreq_data: l.append(i['name']) print (project_name[project_id.index(id)],l) GetProject_userlist() 获取项目提交信息 #-*-coding:utf-8-*-import requests import re url='
=4anduser.id!=79:# 修改用户属性权限logging.info("正在处理当前用户: {user}".format(user=user.username))user.can_create_group=Falseuser.projects_limit=0user.save()logging.info("用户名:{user} ,名字: {name}, ID: {id}, projects limit: {pro_limit},允许创建组: {cre_group}".format(user...
projects_limit No Number of projects user can create pronouns No User’s pronouns provider No External provider name public_email No User’s public email address reset_password No Send user password reset link - true or false(default) shared_runners_minutes_limit No Can be set by admin...
Users API List users For normal users For admins Single user For user For admin User creation User modification User deletion List current user (for normal users) List current user (for admins) User status Get the status of a user Set user status User counts List user projects List SSH ke...
(projects_pages):page=i+1projects_url=projects_api+'&page='+str(page)projects=session.get(projects_url).textprojects_json=json.loads(projects)iftype(projects_json)==list:result=result+projects_jsonelse:print("projects_url: %s"%projects_url)print("headers: %s"%session.head(projects_api)....
These attributes are deprecated and could be removed in a future version of the REST API. Use the alternative attributes instead. Deprecated attribute Alternative tag_list topics attribute marked_for_deletion_at marked_for_deletion_on. Premium and Ultimate tier only. approvals_before_merge ...
Get a specific project, identified by project ID or NAMESPACE/PROJECT_NAME, which is owned by the authenticated user. If using namespaced projects call make sure that the NAMESPACE/PROJECT_NAME is URL-encoded, eg./api/v3/projects/diaspora%2Fdiaspora(where/is represented by%2F). ...
curl--requestPOST--header"PRIVATE-TOKEN:k9ukfjDrU_FWjAa4dSck"--data"name=testProject""" 角色列表 分配角色 4. 创建项目分支(用户模拟token) 代码语言:javascript 复制 curl--requestPOST--header"PRIVATE-TOKEN:XMymvTpPxh5UyVhDRWWU"--data"branch=new...
// Create a GitLabApi instance to communicate with your GitLab server GitLabApi gitLabApi = new GitLabApi("http://your.gitlab.server.com", "YOUR_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN"); // Get the list of projects your account has access to List<Project> projects = gitLabApi.getProjectApi().getPr...