这里采用Token的认证方式,因此需要先登陆GitLab新建一个Token,创建方式如下: GitLab创建Token认证登陆 创建完成以后,就可以在API中通过Token进行登陆并操作该GitLab服务了,以下是源码
使用Gitlab一键安装包安装Gitlab非常简单, 同样的备份恢复与迁移也非常简单,用一条命令即可创建完整的Gitlab备份: gitlab-rake gitlab:backup:create 1. 以上命令将在/var/opt/gitlab/backups目录下创建一个名称类似为xxxxxxxx_gitlab_backup.tar的压缩包, 这个压缩包就是Gitlab整个的完整部分, 其中开头的xxxxxx...
Target branch workflows help ensure merge requests target the appropriate development branch for your project. When you create a merge request, the workflow checks the name of the branch. If the branch name matches the workflow, the merge request targets the branch you specify. If the branch ...
每天有大量的 Merge Request 被 Create、Review、Approve 和 Merge,尽管 GitLab 的产品经理和 UX 设计师们已经尽力的将 UI 设计的简洁易懂好操作,并提供了一些诸如使用 Email、API、Web IDE、VS Code 插件等创建 Merge Request 的功能,但这些操作都逃不过:create new branch ==> git push ==> create merge ...
Target branch workflows help ensure merge requests target the appropriate development branch for your project. When you create a merge request, the workflow checks the name of the branch. If the branch name matches the workflow, the merge request targets the branch you specify. If the branch ...
branch = project.branches.create({'branch_name':'feature1', 'ref':'master'}) # --- # # --- # # 删除分支 project.branches.delete('feature1') # ---
From planning to production, bring teams together in one application. Ship secure code more efficiently to deliver value faster.
pipeline triggersAPI:https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/api/pipeline_triggers.html [3] trigger token:https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/triggers/index.html#create-a-trigger-token [4] multi-project pipelines:https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/pipelines/multi_project_pipelines.html#create-multi-project-pipe...
To learn more about the Jenkins integration, please see theofficial GitLab documentation. You can also learn more in thejenkinsci/gitlab-pluginopen source integration’sREADME documentation on GitHub. To learn more about using Jenkins with stages and multiple steps beyond our basic example, please...
Createoruploadfiles Add files using the command lineor push an existing Git repository with the following command: cd existing_repogit remote add origin https://gitlab.com/cjg1/cjgapi.gitgit branch -M maingit push -uf origin main Integrate with your tools ...