1、在 GitLab 上强制推送,报错:remote GitLab You are not allowed to force push code to a protected branch on this project. 。如图1 图1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 git.exe push --force-with-lease --progress "origin" master:master Total 0 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0) remote: GitLab...
git reset --hard HEAD^^ //是上上个版本 3.git push origin master git push origin HEAD --force(最好不要) 4.git reflog 定义:查看命令操作的历史 办法三、 /*1.新建分支*/ git checkout -b temp //新建分支并切换到temp分支 git push origin temp:temp //将代码push到temp分支 /*2.删除主分支...
maintainers can remove branch protections to allow temporaryforce push, however, all settings for the previously protected branch in question are lost. Finally, users migrating from competing services who made use of this feature have a break in their workflow...
The power that Git gives you to change history is great when you're working alone, but potentially disrupting if you're working with others, as shown by a poor Jenkins developer. When you're working with others, not only do you not want to allowgit push --force, but before anything is...
Allow force push on a protected branch You can allow force pushes to protected branches. To protect a new branch and enable force push: On the left sidebar, select Search or go to and find your project. Select Settings > Repository. Expand Protected branches. Select Add protected bran...
is more flexible than the alternative (Code Owners overriding branch protection settings). In the event a project maintainer doesn't want to allow direct pushes to master, they can simply configure “no one” under allowed to push, whereas Code Owners taking precedence does not allow for flexibi...
GitLab 13.11 introduces a new Allow force push setting for protected branches, which enables users in the Allowed to push list to force push. Documentation Issue Search within a settings page Search within a settings page stage-badge SaaS Free Premium Ultimate Self-Managed Free Premium Ultimat...
git push -u origin 分支名 --force 1. 问题场景: 我们经常在网上看有的教程说 提交 git 的时候要带上 -u这个参数 git push -u origin master, 但我们一般都是这样 git push origin master 两者区别? 加了参数-u后,以后即可直接用git push代替git push origin master ...
注意:kubeadm join…就是master 节点上 kubeadm token create 命令输出的join。 3.查看初始化结果 在Master节点(binghe101服务器)执行如下命令查看初始化结果。 具体执行如下所示。 注意:kubectl get nodes命令后面加上-o wide参数可以输出更多的信息。 重启K8S集群引起的问题 ...
Allow users to import GitHub projects to subgroups. Backport API changes needed to fix sticking in EE. Remove unnecessary ORDER BY clause from forked_to_project_id subquery. (mhasbini) Make CI build to use optimistic locking only on status change. Fix race condition where a namespace would ...