Initialized empty Git repository in /home/xiaomage/glab/terraform/glab-demo/.git/ ✓ Initialized repository in './glab-demo/' 在极狐GitLab 实例页面上就可以看到创建好的项目了: 使用如下命令删除仓库: $ glab repo delete jh-xiaomage-devops/glab-demo This action will permanently delete jh-xi...
This action will permanently delete jh-xiaomage-devops/glab-demo immediately, including its repositories and all content: issues, merge requests. ? Are you ABSOLUTELY SURE you wish to delete jh-xiaomage-devops/glab-demo Yes - Deleting project jh-xiaomage-devops/glab-demo glab issue glab ...
From planning to production, bring teams together in one application. Ship secure code more efficiently to deliver value faster.
From planning to production, bring teams together in one application. Ship secure code more efficiently to deliver value faster.
echo "gitb" >> /etc/hosts tail -1 /etc/hosts ls GitLab软件包下载 链接: 提取码:mqxp 在GitB上安装GitLab ls yum localinstall gitlab-ce-11.2.3-ce.0.el7.x86_64.rpm -y ...
2. 配置A、B环境的互访权限 关于gitolite的mirror功能请参考官方文档: 1. 克隆本地的gitolite-admin.git $A: sudo -u gitlab -H git clone git@localhost:gitolite-admin.git /home/gitlab/gitolite-admin ...
git clone -b V2.9.0 http://ip/工程组名/工程名.git hs-xh-master -b V2.9.0 下载的分支版本,默认情况下就是master版本 hs-xh-master 本地文件目录,默认的情况下就是代码本身的根目录 备注:密码不管输入错误还是成功都会被保存(这一点不如svn) ...
GitLab 本周三发布了一个安全更新,以修复多个安全漏洞,其中最严重的漏洞(CVE-2024-6678,CVSS评分9.9)允许攻击者在特定条件下以任意用户身份触发管道。 GitLab 管道是一种自动化工作流程,用于构建、测试和部署代码,是 GitLab 的 CI/CD(持续集成/持续...
git checkout –b branch_name 切换分支,如果分支不存在,则创建 git checkout branch_name 切换分支,分支不存在,会切换失败 git config --global credential.helper store 在本地生成一个账号密码文件,这样就不用每次都输入了 cat ~/.git-credentials
看出来了吧,跟使用github非常相似,有使用过github经验的话,使用起gitlab来就非常方便了。 我们来向gitlab远程仓库推送一下在本地修改之后的内容 修改README.md文件,写入一些内容,然后跟向github远程仓库推送流程一样,先将修改添加进暂存区,然后提交到版本库,最后推送至gitlab远程仓库 ...