一、通过homebrew查看是否有异常(首先你得安装了Homebrew) $brew doctor 二、根据提示修改zsh配置 Warning: Homebrew's sbin was not found in your PATH but you have installed formulae that put executables in /usr/local/sbin. Consider setting the PATH for example like so: echo 'export PATH="/usr/l...
zsh: command not found: gitk 解决方案 1)首先更新git版本到最新版本 查看git版本:git --version 更新git版本:brew install git 2)查看git安装路径:which git 如果现实的路径是 /usr/bin/git ,那么需要改为local下的路径 /usr/bin/local/git, brew doctor,查看是否有异常,如果有异常,那么需要建立连接 3)如...
1、安装最新版本的git brew install git 2、安装gitk brew install git-gui
当我尝试使用gitk时,它显示:-bash:gitk: command not found更新Coda-2:~ Coda$ brew link git然后我输入gitk 浏览2提问于2015-05-12得票数44 回答已采纳 14回答 在Mac上安装gitk 、、、 有人知道如何在Mac上安装gitk吗?版本信息(从评论中复制): OS X 10.8.2 (12C2034)“山狮”XCode版本4.6 (4H127) ...
set children($v,$id) [lsort -command [list vtokcmp $v] \ $children($v,$id)] } } set t2 [clock clicks -milliseconds] #puts "renumbervarc did [llength $todo] of $ntot arcs in [expr {$t2-$t1}]ms" } # Fix up the graph after we have found out that in view $v, # $p...
$ctext tag conf found -back yellow frame .ctop.cdet.right set cflist .ctop.cdet.right.cfiles listbox $cflist -bg white -selectmode extended -width $geometry(cflistw) \ -yscrollcommand ".ctop.cdet.right.sb set" scrollbar .ctop.cdet.right.sb -command "$cflist yview" ...
fatal error: ‘sasl.h’ file not foundmac上已经安装了python-ldap还是提示上面的错误,设置下面的变量export CFLAGS="-I$(xcrun --show-sdk-path)/usr/include/sasl" python 技术 原创 aoerqilengbai 2021-09-08 09:39:42 187阅读 技术名词:Mac-in-Mac ...
EXECUTABLE_ERROR = ("Executable '{bin}' was not found in PATH. Current PATH:\n\n" "{path}") class GitGitkCommand(WindowCommand, GitCmd): """ Documentation coming soon. """ def run(self): cwd = self.get_repo(silent=False) if not cwd: return cmd = get_executable('gitk', ['git...
安装方式:pip install flask-script 1.1.command装饰器(1)创建manage.py from flask_script import Manager from flask_scri... Gaidy 0 244 javax.servlet.ServletException: Could not resolve view with name 'order/list' in servlet with name 'dispatcherServlet' 2019-12-22 16:43 − javax.servlet...
由于gitk是与git一起分发的,所以我会专注于安装正确版本的Tcl/Tk。git-gui package(即使它不能直接...