commit你已有的改变,保存当前的工作。 git rm --cached file/path/to/be/ignored。 git add . git commit -m "fixed untracked files" 引用 ** [1].gitignore-not-working [2].ignoring file
commit你已有的改变,保存当前的工作。 git rm --cached file/path/to/be/ignored。 git add . git commit -m "fixed untracked files" 引用 ** [1]. gitignore-not-working [2]. ignoring file 文/willheng 著作权归作者所有,转载请联系作者获得授权...
commit你已有的改变,保存当前的工作。 git rm --cached file/path/to/be/ignored。 git add . git commit -m "fixed untracked files" 引用 *** [1].**gitignore-not-working [2].ignoring file
The patternhello.*matches any file or directory whose name begins withhello.. If one wants to restrict this only to the directory and not in its subdirectories, one can prepend the pattern with a slash, i.e./hello.*; the pattern now matcheshello.txt,hello.cbut nota/ ...
1. tracked - a file which has been previously staged or committed; 2. untracked - a file which has not been staged or committed; or 3. ignored - a file which Git has been explicitly told to ignore. Ignored files are usually build artifacts and machine generated files that can be derived... 這種狀況是,之前有不小心把該檔案 commit 進 repo ,所以無法忽略,要下 git rm --cached filename 然後commit 去更新 repo ,這樣 gitignore 就會生效啦!
This does not have the intended effect. The pattern correctly uses the * to indicate that Git should continue processing patterns for sub-trees of the excluded folder. It also correctly ensures that the rule applies both to Win10 and Win11 folders by using a *. However, while patterns ...
According to that are matched against the .gitignore should be marked with gray color. This is not happening for me. I am mounting the actual files via SMB to WSL, but I have al...
the template at the root should not have a version in the filename (i.e. "evergreen") previous versions of templates should live undercommunity/ previous versions of the template should embed the version in the filename, for readability ...
One thing you must keep in mind when using it. That's to create file .gitignore before you make a commit. Git will NOT ignore any file or directory if you already have checked in any file or directory. What if you add a rule later than you add a file that you should haven't ...