Dynamic Snake Convolution based on Topological Geometric Constraints for Tubular Structure Segmentation 1 Yaolei Qi, Yuting He, Xiaoming Qi, Yuan Zhang, Guanyu Yang* Southeast University IEEE/CVF Conference on International Conference on Computer Vision 2023...
Integrate ZelloWork into your Windows app or build a custom radio gateway - zellowork-windows-client-sdk/oem.config at master · zelloptt/zellowork-windows-client-sdk
ALPS/looper: multi-cluster quantum Monte Carlo algorithms for spin systems - alps-looper/doc/zigzag-union-find.graffle at master · wistaria/alps-looper
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Anansi is a computer vision (cv2 and FFmpeg) + OCR (EasyOCR and tesseract) python-based crawler for finding and extracting questions and correct answers from video files of popular TV game shows in the Balkan region. - pabkvizgenerator/resources/jdownloa