XMRig XMRig is a high performance, open source, cross platform RandomX, KawPow, CryptoNight andGhostRiderunified CPU/GPU miner andRandomX benchmark. Official binaries are available for Windows, Linux, macOS and FreeBSD. Mining backends CPU(x86/x64/ARMv7/ARMv8) ...
XMRig ⚠️ If you mine Monero, Aeon, Sumokoin, Turtlecoin, Stellite, GRAFT, Haven Protocol, IPBC, PLEASE READ! ⚠️XMRig is a high performance Monero (XMR) CPU miner, with official support for Windows. Originally based on cpuminer-multi with heavy optimizations/rewrites and removing a...
XMRig ⚠️ If you mine Monero, Aeon, Sumokoin, Turtlecoin, Stellite, GRAFT, Haven Protocol, IPBC, PLEASE READ! ⚠️XMRig is a high performance Monero (XMR) CPU miner, with official support for Windows. Originally based on cpuminer-multi with heavy optimizations/rewrites and removing a...
XMRig is a high performance Monero (XMR) CPU miner, with official support for Windows. Originally based on cpuminer-multi with heavy optimizations/rewrites and removing a lot of legacy code, since version 1.0.0 completely rewritten from scratch on C++.This is the CPU-mining version, there is...
XMRig ⚠️ If you mine Monero, Aeon, Sumokoin, Turtlecoin, Stellite, GRAFT, Haven Protocol, IPBC, PLEASE READ! ⚠️XMRig is a high performance Monero (XMR) CPU miner, with official support for Windows. Originally based on cpuminer-multi with heavy optimizations/rewrites and removing a...
XMRig ⚠️ If you mine Monero, Aeon, Sumokoin, Turtlecoin, Stellite, GRAFT, Haven Protocol, IPBC, PLEASE READ! ⚠️XMRig is a high performance Monero (XMR) CPU miner, with official support for Windows. Originally based on cpuminer-multi with heavy optimizations/rewrites and removing a...
XMRig ⚠️ If you mine Monero, Aeon, Sumokoin, Turtlecoin, Stellite, GRAFT, Haven Protocol, IPBC, PLEASE READ! ⚠️XMRig is a high performance Monero (XMR) CPU miner, with official support for Windows. Originally based on cpuminer-multi with heavy optimizations/rewrites and removing a...
XMRigXMRig is a high performance Monero (XMR) CPU miner, with official support for Windows. Originally based on cpuminer-multi with heavy optimizations/rewrites and removing a lot of legacy code, since version 1.0.0 completely rewritten from scratch on C++.This is the CPU-mining version, there...
XMRig XMRig is high performance Monero (XMR) CPU miner, with the official full Windows support. Originally based on cpuminer-multi with heavy optimizations/rewrites and removing a lot of legacy code, since version 1.0.0 complete rewritten from scratch on C++.This is the CPU-mining version, ...
bitcoinethereumnvidiamonerot-rexnicehashminingpoolhubclaymoreewbffireice-ukccminerzpoolethminerbminerxmrig-nvidiazergpoolnemosminercryptodredgegminernlpool UpdatedJan 5, 2024 PowerShell Char1es0rz/minerProxy Star172 以太坊矿池代理,可以自定义抽水地址和比例 ,支持热修改抽水比例。go语言编写,性能极高,唯一正版,...