一个插件,支持托管在Github 上的公开仓库的WordPress 主题或插件的更新,你所要做的只要在主题或插件的相关文件添加类似的代码: GitHub Theme URI: afragen/test-child GitHub Theme URI: https://github.com/afragen/test-child or GitHub Plugin URI: afragen/github-updater GitHub Plugin URI: https://github...
Entwickle ein Wordpress-Plugin [1], dass du verwendest, das auf zwei Seiten eingebunden wird: Schnäppchen sind entweder Kunstwerke mit einem Schätzwert unter 2000 Euro oder Süßigkeiten unter 3 Euro. Gib auf der Seite eine Liste von Schnäppchen (bezeichnung und gewicht) aus. Ver...
How to deploy to WordPress Wordpress uses SVN for version management. Ensure you have SVN installed on your system. svn up to get the latest version of the code (Note: you'll be required to provide username and password for WordPress account) Make changes to the trunk folder and run svn ...
Description 该插件旨在简单地更新任何GitHub托管的WordPress插件或主题。您的插件或主题必须在style.css标头或插件标头中包含标头,表示GitHub上的位置。格式如下。 GitHubPlugin URI: afragen/git-updater GitHub Plugin URI: https://github.com/afragen/git-updater or GitHub Theme URI: afragen/test-child GitHub ...
Embed GitHub repo in a website using this block plugin. With this plugin, you can easily embed your GitHub repository/repositories anywhere in the WordPress area. Demos Features Show all repositories. Fully customizable. Repositories per page set. Pagination show/hide. Repositories info icon,name,...
最近利用wordpress建站的时候,用到了wechat-social-login插件实现微信、QQ、钉钉、Github登陆功能时,开启图形验证码功能后,看到图形二维码一直加载不出来,F12看到状态码为200,但没有返回值,报错This request has no response data available ...
最近利用wordpress建站的时候,用到了wechat-social-login插件实现微信、QQ、钉钉、Github登陆功能时,开启图形验证码功能后,看到图形二维码一直加载不出来,F12看到状态码为200,但没有返回值,报错This request has no response data available 打开wordpress日志后,发现debug日志文件中报以下的错误。开启debug日志方法请移步历...
docker build -t wordpress-freetype:4.9.8 . 结果编译报错。 docker编译镜像报错 OCI runtime create failed: container_linux.go:346: starting container process caused "process_linux.go:319: getting the final child's pid from pipe caused \"EOF\"": unknown ...
最近利用wordpress建站的时候,用到了wechat-social-login插件实现微信、QQ、钉钉、Github登陆功能时,开启图形验证码功能后,看到图形二维码一直加载不出来,F12看到状态码为200,但没有返回值,报错This request has no response data available 打开wordpress日志后,发现debug日志文件中报以下的错误。开启debug日志方法请移步历...
How to enable GitHub login in WordPress 1. Create a GitHub App To be able to log in via GitHub you must create a GitHub app first. Navigate tohttps://github.com/settings/developers/ Log in with your GitHub credentials if you are not logged in. ...