Ultimate Windows 10 Script This script is the culmination of many scripts and gists from github with features of my own. I am building this script to be a swiss army knife of Windows tools to help setup and optimize machines. My Additions One command to run Full GUI implementation Winget in...
A simple, easy to use PowerShell script to remove pre-installed apps from Windows, disable telemetry, remove Bing from Windows search as well as perform various other changes to declutter and improve your Windows experience. This script works for both Windows 10 and Windows 11. windows privacy ...
# Mozilla/5.0(compatible;MSIE10.0;Macintosh;Intel MacOSX10_7_3;Trident/6.0)' ua['Internet Explorer']# Mozilla/5.0(compatible;MSIE8.0;WindowsNT6.1;Trident/4.0;GTB7.4;InfoPath.2;SV1;.NETCLR3.3.69573;WOW64;en-US)ua.opera # Opera/9.80(X11;Linux i686;U;ru)Presto/2.8.131Version/11.11ua.chrome...
NewBugChecker 是一个类 SoftICE 的 Windows 11 内核调试器,SoftICE 是一款 Windows 平台下的动态脱壳辅助软件。BugChecker 支持上古的 XP 到现在的 Windows 11 所有版本,只要是 x86 和 x64 架构即可。当你使用它进行调试工作时,不需要第二台机器同设备相连接。BugChecker 在 NTOSKRNL 中利用了内部和非正式 KD...
name:CIon:push:branches:[master]jobs:hello:runs-on:self-hostedsteps:-uses:actions/checkout@v2-name:Run a multi-line scriptrun:|date uname-a 查看运行结果 提交文件之后,Actions 马上就会开始运行,执行结果如下图: 查看节点上的 workspaces 代码语言:javascript ...
getEditor('container'); </script> </body> </html> 1.3 在浏览器打开demo.html 如果看到了下面这样的编辑器,恭喜你,初次部署成功! 1.4 传入自定义的参数 编辑器有很多可自定义的参数项,在实例化的时候可以传入给编辑器: var ue = UE.getEditor('container', { autoHeight: false }); 配置项也可以通过...
本周热点趋势榜虽然新项目不多,但是还是有几个不错值得收藏的工具项目,比如用来做文本转语音的 tortoise-tts 能生成更加贴近真实人声的语音,让 Golang 并发更出色的 conc,以及通过 Hook 来管理 React 状态的 z…
The script executables should be LF so they can be edited on Windows (#21426) 4年前 .gitignore test: add test for conditionally loaded .node files 4年前 .prettierrc Enable prettier eslint plugin 6年前 CHANGELOG.md CHANGELOG.md 9年前 CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md 📝 Update Cont...
name:Upgradeclusternodeimageson:schedule:- cron:'0 3 */15 * *'jobs:upgrade-node:runs-on:ubuntu-lateststeps:- name:AzureLoginuses:Azure/login@v1.4.6with:creds:${{secrets.AZURE_CREDENTIALS}}- name:Upgradenodeimagesuses:Azure/cli@v1.0.8with:inlineScript:azaksupgrade--resource-group<resourceGro...
Each Electron release provides binaries for macOS, Windows, and Linux. macOS (Big Sur and up): Electron provides 64-bit Intel and Apple Silicon / ARM binaries for macOS. Windows (Windows 10 and up): Electron provides ia32 (x86), x64 (amd64), and arm64 binaries for Windows. Windows on...