In case that you want to manually set the type and port of used Tor proxy, you can do it with options--tor-typeand--tor-port(e.g.--tor-type=SOCKS5 --tor-port 9050). You are strongly advised to use--check-toroccasionally to be sure that everything was set up properly. There ar...
用法二:下载本软件,以管理员身份运行脚本 MAS_AIO.cmd 激活 Windows。 用法三:在主界面依次按6、2,会在桌面创建 $OEM$目录;用UltraISO编辑WIN10的ISO镜像文件,将该目录放入\Sources目录下,也就是\Sources\$OEM$,最后用UltraISO将编辑后的Win10镜像刻录至U盘,系统安装完毕即激活。 用法四:可使用参数以非交互的...
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Transfer it to the box inside/tmpdirectory with WinSCP or through command in Powershell/UNIX Terminal:scp /path/to/sysupgrade.bin root@ ssh to the box and navigate to/tmpmake sure the bin is there Dosysupgrade -n -v *bin ... 3年前 FFmpeg-avs2-avs3 开源评估指数 开源评估指数源自 OSS-Compass 评估体系,评估体系围绕以下三个维度对项目展开评估: 1. 开源生态 生产力:来评估开源项目输出软件制品和开源价值的能力。
Netdata grows financially when technology intensive organizations and operators need - due to regulatory or business requirements - the entire Netdata suite on-prem or private, bundled with top-tier support. It is a win-win case for all parties involved: these companies get a battle tested, robus...
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CloudMoe Windows 10 Activation Toolkit get digital license, the best open source Win 10 activator in GitHub. GitHub 上最棒的开源 Win10 数字权利(数字许可证)激活工具!
microsoft/go-winio - Win32 IO-related utilities for Go [MIT License] (⭐️988) mikefarah/yq - yq is a portable command-line YAML, JSON, XML, CSV, TOML and properties processor [MIT License] (⭐️13084) miku/zek - Generate a Go struct from XML. [GNU GPLv3] (⭐️762) ...
UpdatedMar 28, 2025 Shell certbot/certbot Star32k Code Issues Pull requests Certbot is EFF's tool to obtain certs from Let's Encrypt and (optionally) auto-enable HTTPS on your server. It can also act as a client for any other CA that uses the ACME protocol. ...