's scope, it should provide a flag so that users can force the publishing. I'd like to publish "canary" releases on each push into my github repo (so that every commit is available for download from npmjs.com), regardless of whether lerna believes that a release is warranted or not....
This is particularly useful when you have an open patch and you have committed an unnecessary file, and need to force push to update the patch on a remote. The --no-edit option is used to keep the existing commit message. I want to delete or remove my last commit If you need to del...
Xcode告诉你本地版本已过时,正确的操作方法是先将Github上的仓库Pull下来,点击Pull后若提示Local repository up to date则本地仓库更新成功 up to date 而在Android Studio中,若直接Commit and Push将会提示 rejected 此时最好的做法依然是点击Cancel,然后将Github上的仓库Pull...
Customer: https://gitlab.my.salesforce.com/0016100001NkpKR Joel Krooswyk @jkrooswyk · 6 years ago Developer Testing done by user that uncovered this issue: Create a GitHub Pull Request against master using a new branch. Gitlab CI saw the push event to that branch and ran. On success...
For example, if you want to force the Azure Databases extension to be a UI extension (instead of its Workspace default) and the Remote - SSH: Editing Configuration Files extension to be a workspace extension (instead of its UI default), you would set:...
a repository. You can control things like who can push commits to a certain branch, or who can delete or rename a tag. For example, you could set up a ruleset for your repository'sfeaturebranch that requires signed commits and blocks force pushes for all users except repository ...
也感谢在项目初期跟我讨论 idea、提供建议并时不时 Push 一下我的朋友们,没有你们这个 idea 可能还得再拖一年(🐶 感谢Pear Mini,最开始跟我讨论 idea 给我项目支持,也是他的项目让我相信即使是一个学生的 idea 实现出来也可以很酷。 他的Gossip项目完全是 Next Generation Slides 级别的创意!
llama.cppsupports grammars to constrain model output. For example, you can force the model to output JSON only: ./llama-cli -m ./models/13B/ggml-model-q4_0.gguf -n 256 --grammar-file grammars/json.gbnf -p'Request: schedule a call at 8pm; Command:' ...
Bringing Personalized Search to Etsy Etsy 2020 Building a Better Search Engine for Semantic Scholar Allen Institute for AI 2020 Query Understanding for Natural Language Enterprise Search (Paper) Salesforce 2020 Things Not Strings: Understanding Search Intent with Better Recall DoorDash 2020 Query Understa...
# plot the SHAP values for the Setosa output of all instancesshap.force_plot(explainer.expected_value[0],shap_values[0],X_test,link="logit") SHAP Interaction Values SHAP interaction values are a generalization of SHAP values to higher order interactions. Fast exact computation of pairwise inter...