LandingPage This is a small website written with Preact that tells people who I am, and provides links to my social media/projects, as well as acting as a host for any webtoys I make. There should be a live version available at
Free to use landing pages for SaaS founders, freelancers, agencies and businesses css html landing-page frontend templates landing portfolio-template landingpage tailwind tailwindcss portfilio landingpages website-templates app-landing-page saas-landing-page awesome-landing-pages landingpage-template lawyer...
To get your school on board with the free GitHub Education program for schools, you need to be an educational institution offering degrees or certificates. The application should be completed by someone in charge of IT or a department head. Apply through the GitHub Education website, select 'Sc...
改hosts,速访GitHub! 有时候,我们访问GitHub的速度慢,或者在某些地区被限制了,这时候我们可以通过修改hosts文件来解决这些问题。下面我来详细讲解一下具体步骤。 为什么要修改hosts文件?🤔 优化访问速度:有时候,默认的DNS解析会让访问GitHub的速度变慢。通过手动指定一个更快的IP地址,可以大大提升访问速度。 绕过网络...
通过将提示转换为代码,使用内联聊天可帮助你编写方法、类和单元测试。 通过在文本文件中右键单击并选择“询问 Copilot”或按 Alt + /` 来内联打开 提示: 使用 “/” 声明你的意图或使用 “#” 引用你的文件。 类似于 “/test for #filename”
Company URL:A link to your company's website. Status URL:A link to a web page that displays the status of your app. Status pages can include current and historical incident reports, web application uptime status, and scheduled maintenance. ...
// Project Landing Page ● Visually compelling landing page o Sometimes you only get one click to tell the story● Stored as a project branch: gh-pages ● Trackable by Google Analytics Browse Code Directories Language Specific Rendering Access ...
💨下载完成后,打开Watt Toolkit,点击左侧的“网络加速”功能。记得勾选需要的网站,比如Github,但要小心,避免勾选被禁止的网址。🔗🚀最后,点击右上角的“一键加速”按钮。如果出现波浪形状,那就表示插件正常工作啦!现在你可以愉快地使用Github,甚至下载zotero的各种插件了!🎉...
Landing pages and some articles have buttons that take people to relevant content in other articles or on other GitHub webpages. Buttons should be used when someone needs to navigate to another page to complete the task being described. For example, Setting up a trial of GitHub Enterprise ...
The landing page & blog for Plausible. Contribute to plausible/website development by creating an account on GitHub.