wordpresswebsitemalwarecybersecurityransomwareviruseswordpress-sitebrowserscyber-securityclickjackinghackedpornwannacrytrojanspetyatechnical-supportclick-redirectingclick-jacking UpdatedOct 16, 2023 Shell edoardottt/tryhackme-ctf Sponsor Star224 TryHackMe CTFs writeups, notes, drafts, scrabbles, files and solutions....
Jasmin Ransomware is an advanced red team tool (WannaCry Clone) used for simulating real ransomware attacks. Jasmin helps security researchers to overcome the risk of external attacks. bot-frameworkcybersecurityransomwarebugbountykali-linuxhacking-toolburpsuitemetasploithacking-simulatorredteaminghacking-framewor...
BypassAntiVirus: https://github.com/TideSec/BypassAntiVirus AV_Evasion_Tool: https://github.com/1y0n/AV_Evasion_Tool shellcodeloader: https://github.com/knownsec/shellcodeloader tasklist/systeminfo: https://www.shentoushi.top/av/av.php rpeloader: https://github.com/Teach2Breach/rpeloader 在...
Part of the malware that does the damage (deleting files, stopping services, encrypting files, gathering and sending sensitive information, taking pictures etc.) Example – WannaCry used EnternalBlue as exploit and had the ultimate intention of encrypting the files and demand ransom....
The Executable and the Installer are signed with a valid certificate. So there shouldn't be any problems with virus scanners or the execution/installation. Why this tool Because the EternalBlue (Related to WannCryt aka WannaCry) problem isn't solved and there are still unpatched systems. And ...
2017.10 [pediy] [原创]通过Wannacry分析内核shellcode注入dll技术 2017.09 [360] Dll注入新姿势:SetThreadContext注入 2017.08 [silentbreaksecurity] sRDI – Shellcode Reflective DLL Injection 2017.08 [360] DLL注入那些事 2017.08 [freebuf] 系统安全攻防战:DLL注入技术详解 2017.08 [pediy] [翻译]多种DLL注入技术...
I have helped people to test this after WannaCry outbreak. Luckly, I found few brands can detect it, and one of them can stop ransomware encryption initiated from remote PC via file share and RDP as well. I did see a real Ransomware incident, that endpoint really could stop encryption, no...
You come across a new piece of malware called WantToCry. You think back to Wannacry and remember it was stopped because a researcher found a kill-switch in the code. When a domain, hardcoded into Wannacry, was registered the virus would stop. ...
normshield_all_wannacry NormShield.com IPs in category wannacry with severity all ipv4 hash:ip 1165 unique IPs updated every 12 hours normshield_all_webscan NormShield.com IPs in category webscan with severity all ipv4 hash:ip 46 unique IPs updated every 12 hours ...
Star 824 Code Issues Pull requests A collection of malware samples caught by several honeypots i manage botnet honeypot malware malwareanalysis ransomware malware-analysis malware-samples wannacry eternalblue uiwix eternalrocks trickbot Updated Sep 30, 2020 UBoat-Botnet / ...