执行git push到到 Github出错 $ git push -u origin main kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer Connection reset by port 22 fatal: Could not read from remote repository. 1. 2. 3. 4. 用vscode和idea都报了这个错 之前一直可行,怎么突然不行了?发现是我换了代理...
remote:nvalid username or password . fatal: Authentication failed for "httos:// github Q .com/linweigian/master.git/ 错误提示二: fatal: origin' does not appear to be a git repository fatal: Could not read from remote repository. 错误提示三: Please make sure you have the correct access r...
Try to push a code change and it fails with a ssh failure. If I open the terminal from vscode, it appears the local environment for SSH_AUTH_SOCK is pointing to a bogus file, such that there is no ssh agent that can be used $ ls -l $SSH_AUTH_SOCK ls: cannot access '/tmp/ssh...
git pull origin master --allow-unrelated-histories #这个命令会强制把远程库中不在本地的文件全部pull到本地 接下来再使用git push即可,如果成功,打开github,会看到之前在本地但不在远程仓库中的文件已经被添加进了仓库中。 一点备注: 个人在VScode内使用github时,基本都是使用终端操作,只有commit和push可能会使用...
于是靠着经验觉得应该是密码有问题,想到之前好像设置了个token,这两天快到期了,于是抱着试试看的心态去更新了token。结果竟然好了!push成功了!记录一下。 打开Github网页,点击个人头像下面的settings,左面框框拖到最下面有一个developer settings,点击进去,点击personal access tokens,点击tokens(classic) ...
操作系统 Windows10 使用Git VScode 连接方式:SSH 在写完一天的代码后,我像往常一样点开了VScode的上传github按钮: 原本应该在几秒钟上传成功,但是却异常的慢,,这时突然出现一个错误弹窗(忘记截图了): 提示: “ssh:connect to host github.
1、用终端或者Git/VSCode同步GitHub项目更改时老失败 2、Ubuntu20.04系统,在VScode中提交代码时,提示请确保已在Git中配置你的user.name和user.email 3、在git push时遇到输入正确的用户名和密码时还需要反复输入用户名和密码 4、单个文件超过GitHub最大50MB的限制 5、从GitHub拉取或推送项目鉴权失败 6、VSCode同步代...
Type: Bug Git push not working suddenly stops then always in process state VS Code version: Code 1.93.1 (38c31bc, 2024-09-11T17:20:05.685Z) OS version: Windows_NT x64 10.0.22631 Modes: System Info Item Value CPUs 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(T...
vscode上传项目到github 一、安装vscode 二、安装git 1.下载git 2.安装git 三、链接github (前提注册有github账号) 1.打开“Git Bash Here”(终端),输入“git init”。 2.输入“git config --global user.name “your name””。 3.输入“git config --global user.email “email@email.com“”。