3. 回到GitHub页面,找到刚刚创建的仓库,点击仓库名称进入其主页。 4. 在仓库主页的右上角,点击“Add file”按钮,选择“Upload files”选项。 5. 在弹出的窗口中,将压缩包中的所有文件拖拽到页面上,或者点击“choose your files”按钮选择需要上传的文件。 6. 等待文件上传完成,在下方的“Commit changes”栏中填...
如上图所示,我们可以通过这个界面填写个人信息,包括 Name(昵称)、Bio(自我介绍)、URL(链接)、Company(公司)、Location(位置)以及 Upload new picture(上传头像)等等。在我们填写完个人信息之后,可以点击Update profile更新个人简介,同时可以勾选Available for hire,选择“雇主可见”,然后点击Save jobs profile,保存我们...
}voidfnUploadZipFile(stringzipfname,stringuploadurl) {CURL*curlReq;CURLcoderes;structstatfile_info;curl_off_tspeed_upload,total_time;FILE*fd;fd=fopen(zipfname.c_str(),"rb");/* open file to upload */if(!fd)return;/* cannot continue *//* to get the file size */if(stat(zipfname.c...
A web based file manager,web IDE / browser based code editor filemanagermarkdown-editorzipides3file-uploadxlsxfile-sharingwebdavcollaborationfree-softwarearchivefile-browsertext-editordocxfile-explorer UpdatedFeb 1, 2024 PHP moxiecode/plupload
- name: Upload File # 使用预制action:上传文件,可以将执行路径打包成zip上传 uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2 with: # 上传后文件的名称 name: mac # 打包的路径以及文件过滤,此为仅打包dist目录下的dmg文件 path: dist/*dmg 关于使用Github Actions来执行定时任务工作流的玩法可以看这一篇 ...
upload PaddleOCR code 5年前 LICENSE Update LICENSE 2年前 MANIFEST.in use setuptools-scm extracts PaddleOCR versions (#13716) 4个月前 README.md update docs (#14230) 1个月前 README_en.md docs: Fix chinese image being displayed on the english readme page (#14299) 27天...
const file = await downloadFile(repoConfig); // Upload the repository package to S3 bucket const s3Upload = await s3.upload({ Bucket: process.env.S3BUCKET, ServerSideEncryption: 'AES256', Key: `${repoConfig.repoFullName}/${repoConfig.branch}.zip`, ...
下载模型rmvpe.zip,目前首推该权重。 解压缩rmvpe.zip,并将其中的model.pt文件改名为rmvpe.pt并放在pretrain目录下 下载模型rmvpe.pt 放在pretrain目录下 FCPE(预览版) 你说的对,但是FCPE是由svc-develop-team自主研发的一款全新的F0预测器,后面忘了 ...
转自:http://www.baeldung.com/httpclient-multipart-upload Multipart Upload with HttpClient 4 1. Overview In this tutorial we will illustrate how to do a multipart upload operation using HttpClient 4. We’ll use http://echo.200please.com as a test server because it’s public and it accepts ...
When you boot a GitHub instance for the first time, you can use the following endpoint to upload a license. Note that you need to POST to /setup/api/configure to start the actual configuration process. When using this endpoint, your GitHub instance must have a password set. This can be ...