University Assessment Planner djangouniversityplannerusyd UpdatedMar 12, 2018 Python digitalpoetry/honours-thesis-template Star2 Code Issues Pull requests The recommended LaTeX style for an honours thesis in the School of Computer Science, The University of Sydney, Australia ...
University of Sydney10 June, 2015New featuresfunction partition_data_partitionfinder can use the partition finder output file to partition a long concatenated alignment. The output is a set of fasta files that can be used as an input for ClockstaR. For example use:...
intro: The University of Sydney arxiv: Adversarial Attacks on Face Detectors using Neural Net based Constrained Optimization intro: IEEE MMSP arxiv: Selective Refinement Network for High Performance Face Detection
2018-07-10 17:35University of Technology , Sydney 前端工程师 关注 哈哈,github帮我点个star呗~ 查看原帖 01-10 19:19 华为_数据通信产品线_通用软件开发工程师(准入职员工) 好的部门氛围真的很重要 部门里有十多个实习生,没事一块打台球乒乓球桌上足球,一起聚餐唱歌实习的两个月,参加了部门的桌上足球...
Repo constructed by tutors in the School of AMME andACFRat theUniversity of Sydneywith tips and tricks for formatting of formal engineering reports and assignments. Communication of ideas, results, and technical content clearly and effectively is integral to engineering. Getting into good habits before...
University of Technology Sydney (UTS) Ultimo, NSW 23:48- 3h ahead QuanKun39 @wandh in/quankun Achievements x2 Highlights Developer Program Member Pro Organizations Block or Report 18520339/ 👨🎓 Master student atUTS. 📚 I'm pursuing AI with the desire to developmost advance...
1The University of Hong Kong2University of Maryland3Microsoft4University of Technology Sydney5Peking University6The University of Sydney A collection of papers related to knowledge distillation of large language models (LLMs). If you want to use LLMs for benefitting your own smaller models training...
Vandal is a static program analysis framework for Ethereum smart contract bytecode, developed at The University of Sydney. It decompiles an EVM bytecode program to an equivalent intermediate representation that encodes the program's control flow graph. This representation removes all stack operations,...
Personalized Federated Learning with Moreau Envelopes The University of Sydney code Personalized Federated Learning with Theoretical Guarantees: A Model-Agnostic Meta-Learning Approach MIT; UT Austin Group Knowledge Transfer: Federated Learning of Large CNNs at the Edge University of Southern California co...
Yunchao Wei (University of Technology Sydney) Alexander Schwing (UIUC) Zsolt Kira (Georgia Tech) David Wilson (Intelinair Inc.) Jim Yuan (Google X) Humphrey Shi (U of Oregon) 17:20 – 17:30Closing Remarks Humphrey Shi (University of Oregon) ...