Unicornscan is another port scanner that utilizes it’s own userland TCP/IP stack, which allows it to run a asynchronous scans. This makes it a whole lot faster than nmap and can scan 65,535 ports in a relatively shorter time frame. Since unicornscan is so fast, it makes sense to use ...
With onetwopunch, unicornscan is used first to identify open ports, and then those ports are passed to nmap to perform further enumeration../onetwopunch.sh -t targets.txt -i tap0 -n '-T4 -n -sC -sV -oN nmap-versions --script=*vuln*'...
masscan的扫描结果类似于nmap(一个很著名的端口扫描器),在内部,它更像scanrand, unicornscan, and ZMap,采用了异步传输的方式。它和这些扫描器最主要的区别是,它比这些扫描器更快。而且,masscan更加灵活,它允许自定义任意的地址范和端口范围。安 Masscan
#Basic port scan on 'target'nc -v -w 1 target -z 1-1000#Port scan range on a set of IP addressesforiin{101..102};donc -vv -n -w 1 192.168.56.$i21-25 -z;done Unicornscan: #Unicornscan for information gathering and security audits#Scanning for all ports and services (TCP and U...
Blue’s Port Scanner (Windows) Superscan (Windows) Unicornscan (Unix) ZMap (Unix) scanrand (Unix) Port Authority Advanced Port Scanner Angry IP Scanner (Unix/Windows/Mac) iNet Network Scanner (Mac/iOS) Packages No packages published Languages Python100.0%...
Internally, it uses asynchronous transmission, similar to port scanners likescanrand,unicornscan, andZMap. It's more flexible, allowing arbitrary port and address ranges. NOTE: masscan uses its ownad hoc TCP/IP stack. Anything other than simple port scans may cause conflict with the local TCP/...
在内部,它更像scanrand、unicornscan和ZMap,使用异步传输。它是一个灵活的实用程序,允许任意地址和端口范围。 正常情况下,扫描器进行扫描的时候,会有个特征,如果目标端口为80,masscan发出去的探测包会带着"masscan"字眼,这里通过反编译,把这种特征去掉,最后达到waf检测不到的效果。 获取工具关注公众号**SecNL安全...
It produces results similar tonmap, the most famous port scanner. Internally, it operates more likescanrand,unicornscan, andZMap, using asynchronous transmission. The major difference is that it's faster than these other scanners. In addition, it's more flexible, allowing arbitrary address ranges ...
unicornscan > ismtp > python3-shodan > emailharvester > instaloader > inspy > sherlock > certgraph > nmapsi4 > afl > doona > thc-ipv6 > dhcpig > enumiax > gvm > iaxflood > inviteflood > dsniff > ohrwurm > protos-sip > rtpbreak > rtpflood > rtpinsertsound > rtpmixsound > sipp...
It produces results similar tonmap, the most famous port scanner. Internally, it operates more likescanrand,unicornscan, andZMap, using asynchronous transmission. The major difference is that it's faster than these other scanners. In addition, it's more flexible, allowing arbitrary address ranges ...