简介: 解决Gitee或者Github出现Access denied fatal: unable to access,The requested URL returned error: 403 出现场景 pull 从github或者gitee码云拉取其他人的私有项目时,报以下错误 git clone https://gitee.com/hybird_now/ali_app.git Cloning into 'ali_app'... remote: [session-20433bf4] Access ...
unable to access 'https://github.com/murphy-sfy/MyTrailApp.git/': The requested URL returned error: 403 原因:这错误翻译成中文的大概意思:用户murenziwei没有权限访问用户qwe2193066947的存储firstRepository。 也就是说,git环境终端里,我登入的是murenziwei账号,所以我就应该换成qwe2193066947账号才能解决问题。
>git push origin main:mainremote:Permission to xxx/xxx denied to xxx.fatal:unable to access'https://github.com/xxx/xxx.git/':The requestedURLreturned error:403 #解决方案 对权限不足的项目更改 origin.url,使用独立认证 更改remote 地址如:https://{token}@github.com/xxx/xxx.git(token 指的是 ...
git.exe push--progress"origin"master:master remote:Permission to jessicawtt/t1.git denied to lvye1221.fatal:unable to access'https://github.com/jessicawtt/t1/':The requested URL returned error:403 解决办法: 编辑 项目目录下 .git/config 中,找到如下代码位置,修改 url 中如下部分: ...
remote: Permission to Jayson00/camera.git denied to Minelinkinpark. fatal: unable to access '***': The requested URL returned error: 403 解决方案: 在项目地址的 https:// 的后面加上 github的账户名:github的密码@github.com 解决了我的403错误,上传代码成功。好文要顶 关注我 收藏该文...
unable to access 'https://github.com/DajuanM/DHAlgorithms.git/': The requested URL returned error: 403 网上查了下试了好几种都没解决掉,比如:修改是https连接模式改成ssh模式,修改代理.最后找到一个非常简单的解决方法. 首先进入工程目录下打开.git文件夹 ...
fatal: unable to access 'https://github.com/daisoto/room.git/': The requested URL returned error: 403 I have tried deleting my accounts from sourcetree and logging in again, but I still receive this error. However, if I use console there is no error. Is proves that...
一、 报错信息 二、 解决方案 一、 报错信息 GitHub 更新代码 , 推送代码都报 10054 错误 ; 报错信息如下 : 23:42 Push failedUnable to access 'https://github.com/han1202012/flutter_photo.git/': OpenSSL SSL_read: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL, errno 10054 ...
Error: saving tarball /dev/null: unable to calculate manifest: GET https://prod-registry-k8s-io-eu-central-1.s3.dualstack.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/containers/images/sha256%3Aec6e2d871c544073e0d0a2448b23f98a1aa47b7c60ae9d79ac5d94d92ea45949: unexpected status code 403 Forbidden: <?