Kali工具清单.md LICENSE Markdown使用说明.md README.md 志愿者名单.md Repository files navigation README Code of conduct MIT license Kali Linux工具文档翻译计划 Kali Tools Translate Volunteers是一个公益项目,简称KTTV,目标是将 http://tools.kali.org/tools-listing 的所有说明文档汉化。 也许你...
Kali Linux Cheat Sheet for Penetration Testers linux hacking cheatsheet cheatsheets kali kalilinux Updated Sep 1, 2023 ASHWIN990 / ADB-Toolkit Star 1.6k Code Issues Pull requests ADB-Toolkit V2 for easy ADB tricks with many perks in all one. ENJOY! android linux tools hack adb penetr...
The GitHub Kali Linux Tools is a tool like Tool-X used for hacking the tool installer, and it is mainly developed by termux with other Linux-based command systems. Using this, we can hack n number of systems with default features; also, it’s one of the good and shared distribution way...
GitHub上的WolvenKit/CP77Tools好像可以用来解包,但是下下来文件全是.cs后缀的,好像是C#语言编出来的源文件什么的。。。对编程一窍不通,不知道怎么运行,求一个会用的大佬教教QAQ 分享3赞 收获日2吧 亦梦人生亦梦人 使用wolfhud的请使用最新版(来自github)由于update 160导致wolfhud的tabstats出现问题,现已在github...
• Are running a debian-based linux distro, preferably Kali linux (OSX users see the appendix) • Have Aircrack-ng installed sudo apt-get install aircrack-ng • Have a wireless card that supports monitor mode (see here for a list of supported devices) ...
我最初在上面安装了Kali Linux,因为我想学习渗透测试和黑客攻击,但是由于我刚接触Linux,所以我决定选择一个更方便用户的发行版。所以我用Ubuntu启动了我的笔记本电脑。在安装Ubuntu之后,我不得不面对内置无线网卡的一些问题。我曾在Kali Linux中遇到过类似的问题,但我解决了这些问题。问题是操作系统没有检测内置的无线...
1. vue-easytable 这个组件提供功能齐全的表格能力,并且极具定制化能力。其自带开箱即用多种特性,比如...
docker buildx imagetools inspect ${{ inputs.image-registry }}/${{ inputs.image-namespace }}/${{ inputs.app-name }}:${{ steps.tag.outputs.TAG }} # trivy 扫描镜像 - name: Scan image with Trivy vulnerability scanner uses: aquasecurity/trivy-action@8bd2f9fbda2109502356ff8a6a89da55b1ea...
+1 分享8赞 武汉长江工商学院吧 彩虹是权志龙的 “微软热爱Linux“- 心声传遍中国storvsc_drv.cdrivers/video/hyperv_fb.cinclude/linux/hyperv.htools/hv/· Linux集成服务GitHub· https://github.com/LIS· Linux集成服务4.0– 可从微软下载中心下载· http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.asp...
┌──(root㉿kali201)-[/home/tools/backup] └─# git log commit 0f1d821f48a9cf662f28...