Pixa is a simple AI-powered image generator using Pollinations AI, allowing users to create stunning visuals based on text prompts. Customize your images by adjusting width, height, and seed for unique results. Built with PHP and responsive design, it’s easy to use and perfect for creative ...
Text to image generation and Image Captioning Android, iOS, Desktop and Web app using Compose Multiplatform with Clean Architecture androidkotliniosaiimage-processingimage-captioningimage-to-texttext-to-imageanroid-studiokotlin-multiplatformjetpack-composetexttoimagecompose-multiplatformstable-diffusion ...
Learn more about Intro to Copilot LaunchPad Understanding Markdown Markdown is a lightweight markup language for creating formatted text using a plain-text editor. More simply put, Markdown is a way to write content for the web and one of the most important ways developers can make their ...
(2013, 12, 30, 0, 0) >>> article.text 'Washington (CNN) -- Not everyone subscribes to a New Year's resolution...' >>> article.top_image 'http://someCDN.com/blah/blah/blah/file.png' >>> article.movies ['http://youtube.com/path/to/link.com', ...] >>> from newspaper ...
cv2.putText(image,"%s: %.2f"% (id2class[class_id], conf), (xmin +2, ymin -2), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX,1, color) output_info.append([class_id, conf, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax])ifshow_result: Image.fromarray(image).show()returnoutput_infodefrun_on_video(video_path, output_vi...
Also provides interfaces to common system libraries. Same goals as JNA, but faster, and serves as the basis for the upcoming Project Panama. Natural Language Processing Libraries that specialize on processing text. Apache OpenNLP - Toolkit for common tasks like tokenization. CoreNLP - Stanford's ...
text1="I am a coder and love data mining"text2="请注明作者和出处并保留声明和联系方式"print langid.classify(text1)print langid.classify(text2)#('en',0.9999957874458753)#('zh',1.0) 24、fake-useragent:伪装浏览器身份,常用于爬虫。这个项目的代码很少,可以阅读一下,看看ua.random是如何返回随机的浏...
Learn more about Intro to Copilot LaunchPad Understanding Markdown Markdown is a lightweight markup language for creating formatted text using a plain-text editor. More simply put, Markdown is a way to write content for the web and one of the most important ways developers can make their ...
There are 5 sections to a PySimpleGUI program importPySimpleGUIassg# Part 1 - The import# Define the window's contentslayout = [ [sg.Text("What's your name?")],# Part 2 - The Layout[sg.Input()], [sg.Button('Ok')] ]# Create the windowwindow = sg.Window('Window Title', lay...
Text to Image generation using Autogon AI This app is showcasing the Autogon AI power and this can be integrated into any application for gamification or for users to generate their AI image based on a specific prompt. This app was built using react vite and little vanilla css. To run th...