recapis a system status reporting tool. A reporting script that generates reports of various information about the server. Contribution Contribution guidelines can be found Dependencies bash >= 4 coreutils gawk grep iotop iproute/iproute2 ...
sysusers.d sysusers.d: lock all system users defined by us Oct 29, 2024 test core/service: preserve RuntimeDirectory= even if oneshot service exits Dec 2, 2024 tmpfiles.d Revert "link README.logs from tmpfiles.d/legacy.conf only if available" Nov 29, 2024 tools fetch-distro: use git...
在Windows中,以管理员模式运行PowerShell。然后使用下面的命令安装软件包管理器Chocolatey。Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force;[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol =[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072;iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https...
Adding Custom Types to the Serialiser ForerunnerDB's serialisation system allows for custom type handling so that you can expand JSON serialisation to your own custom class instances. This can be a complex topic so it has been broken out into the Wiki section for further readinghere. Searching ...
passwordHelper.verifyPassword(user,loginDTO.getPassword())){thrownewBusinessException(CommonResultStatus.LOGIN_ERROR,"密码错误");}UserTokenDTO userInfoDTO=newUserTokenDTO();userInfoDTO.setUsername(user.getUsername());userInfoDTO.setToken(JwtUtil.sign(user.getUsername(),String.valueOf(System.currentTime...
一位搞出海电商、经常需要了解不同行业产品和不同国家市场的朋友,体验后评价到:隔行再也不隔山了。实现这个AI导师Mr. Ranedeer(驯鹿先生),不需要AI模型的训练或微调,甚至不需要写代码,完全靠给AI写提示词就能搞定。并且被搞教育科技(Edtech)行业的人评价为,与当前最先进的教育科技同等水平。Mr. Ranedeer...
StateOS is free, extremely simple and very fast real-time operating system (RTOS) designed for deeply embedded applications. Targets ARM Cortex-M, STM8. Inspiration StateOS was inspired by the concept of a state machine. Procedure executed by the task (task state) doesn't have to be noretu...
systemctl start clash@user 例如: systemctl start clash@sitoi 设置开机自启 systemctlenableclash@user 问题 权限不足 $ sudo systemctl status clash ● clash.service - A rule based proxyinGoforshitao. Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/clash.service;disabled;vendor preset: disabled) ...
If the driver insertion went through, the last printed message should beprobe returning 0. Furthermore, the dmesg-printout should contain a lineset network ip XXXXXXXX, mac YYYYYYYYYYYY, which displays IP and MAC of the Coyote-NIC if networking has been enabled in the system configuration. ...
Watch System status remotely(via IP) Mobile friendly Small web UI(only about 350KB) Support PWA(you can add the web page to Homescreen) Server side supports common architecture and distribution Clients support common platform Monitor multiple servers by one client ...