Getting free access to Copilot as a student, teacher, or maintainer - GitHub Docs 我按照里面的步骤完成了Github Copilot的学生认证,并在7月-12月间和它合作完成了一些工作,结论是:很强,很好用。 GitHub学生认证: (1) 创建 GitHub 帐号并完善profile:访问GitHub官网并用学校邮箱完成注册。点击主页右上角的...
利用一次性的 30 天试用版免费试用 Copilot Pro。 免费试用期后,需要有付费订阅才能继续使用。 将Copilot Free 设置为即使没有订阅也可体验 Copilot 的部分功能。 请参阅“关于 GitHub Copilot Free”。 免费访问 Copilot Pro 在任意页面的右上角,单击个人资料照...
Free is not available if you have an EMU account, access to a Copilot seat through an organization, an existing Copilot Pro subscription or trial, or free access to Copilot Pro as a student, teacher, or open-source maintainer. For the latest information, seeAbout GitHub Copilot Free. ...
使用Copilot 具体使用说明文档详见 打开VsCode ,扩展商店搜索Copilot,第一个星星多的就是,安装扩展 安装好之后,如图点击 Start a free trial with GitHub Copilot 会跳转到一...
Copilot Free is not available if you have an EMU account, access to a Copilot seat through an organization, an existing Copilot Pro subscription or trial, or free access to Copilot Pro as a student, teacher, or open-source maintainer. For the latest information, see About GitHub Copilot...
打开VsCode,到扩展商店搜索Copilot并安装。 安装成功后,点击“Start a free trial with GitHub Copilot”,如果你已拥有GitHub学生包,只需勾选相关配置,保存即可享受Copilot服务 五、享受其他优惠 通过Github学生认证,还可以直接获取Jetbrains学生认证,以及将Notion升级为个人永久PRO。
(1)github申请学生认证--为了用上GitHub Copilot--附不在学校异地申请方法 (2)Github学生认证最后一步证明类型卡住 (3) ...
You have free access to Copilot Pro as a student, teacher, or open-source maintainer. What features are included in Copilot Free? Copilot Free includes the following features: Code completion in Visual Studio Code, Visual Studio, JetBrains IDEs, Vim/Neovim, Xcode, and Azure Data Studio Nex...
How to verify if you are eligible for a free GitHub Copilot subscription? To determine your eligibility for a complimentary GitHub Copilot subscription, you can confirm whether you’re a verified student, teacher, or maintainer of a popular open-source project. As a student, you may obtain fr...
进入student认证界面(,这一步需要定位所以要关掉科学上网工具,校园网登不上github可以尝试用手机流量开热点 ①勾选Student,由于前面填写了教育邮箱,github会根据域名识别到你的学校,确认无误后select,点击continue会弹出获取定位的申请,选择同意。