Experiences are curated bundles of pack partner products, GitHub tools, and other resources that are designed for you learn new skills and make the most out of the Student Developer Pack and your journey in GitHub Education. LaunchPad Intro to Copilot What is Copilot and how do you get ...
This week, we at MongoDB are so very proud to announce that we have added an offering featured in the latest iteration of the Pack. MongoDB Atlas is a great match for the Student Developer Pack in large part because it enables students to launch, manage and scale their databases with ...
Experiences are curated bundles of pack partner products, GitHub tools, and other resources that are designed for you learn new skills and make the most out of the Student Developer Pack and your journey in GitHub Education. LaunchPad Intro to Copilot What is Copilot and how do you get ...
Experiences are curated bundles of pack partner products, GitHub tools, and other resources that are designed for you learn new skills and make the most out of the Student Developer Pack and your journey in GitHub Education. LaunchPad Intro to Copilot What is Copilot and how do you get ...
Hi, I have a college account ‘abc@gmail.com’ and I used that to get access of Github Student Dev. Pack. I have also created a github account from ‘abc@gmail.com’ . But I have another main account “main@gmail.com” and it’…
申请图片部分 点击查看申请学生包的帮助文档 上面写着,需要证明学生身份的信息。我提交了清晰的学生证、...
Free for students via the GitHub Student Developer Pack. gitlab.com— Unlimited public and private Git repos with up to 5 collaborators. Also offers the following features : CI/CD (Free for Public Repos, 400 mins/month for private repos) Static Sites with GitLab Pages. Container Registry ...
typescriptnextjsexpressjsnftturbopack UpdatedNov 14, 2023 TypeScript A website for a Sunday school project of mine, made with Next.js, Prisma, PostgreSQL and Tailwind CSS. typescriptmongodbnextjspostgresqlpnpmprismatailwindcssswrzodturbopack ...
- MongoDB Atlas: Get access to a free cloud database with MongoDB Atlas, along with learning resources to build scalable applications. Unique and Standout Features What makes the GitHub Student Developer Pack particularly interesting is the sheer diversity of tools it ...
已通过 GitHub Student Developer Pack 认证为学生; 没有参与过往年的 GitHub 毕业活动; 属于2022 年的毕业生。 GitHub:https://github.com/education/GitHubGraduation-2022 2. Kaggle 开源书籍 Kaggle 是一个知名的科学竞赛平台,不少开发者会通过参加 Kaggle 上的竞赛,快速提升自己的编码经验。