Free Essential plan while you're a student. Tags Developer tools Get help at Testmail support GitLens About GitLens GitLens is the #1 Git extension for VS Code; enriching your IDE with Git visualizations such as inline blame annotations, the Commit Graph, and the innovative Launchpad. Git...
Github学生包(GitHub Student Developer Pack)是Github及其合作伙伴为学生开发者提供的一系列免费的开发资源和工具。包括辅助生成代码的AI助手Github Copilot,Jetbrains旗下的各种IDE,云服务器,域名和各类设计工具等等。Namecheap是一家域名注册商,在Github学生包中Namecheap为我们提供了一年的免费.me域名和SSL证书。本文将...
Get the GitKraken Pro free through the GitHub Student Developer Pack! It includes GitKraken Client, CLI, Browser Extension and GitLens for VS Code + IntelliJ!
1 month of access to a web development course. 使用方法:进入入口网页Claim your GitHub Student Developer Pack · Thinkful,使用Github账号登陆后,按照网页指示操作 SymfonyCasts 通过视频教学和编码挑战学习PHP和Symfony,Github学生包可以提供3个月的免费订阅。 Free 3-month subscription for students. Yakindu 一个...
Learn to ship software like a pro.There's no substitute for hands-on experience. But for most students, real world tools can be cost-prohibitive. That's why we created the GitHub Student Developer Pack with some of our partners and friends. ...
Free access to Appwrite Pro (worth $15/month) throughout the course of your student career (i.e., as long as you remain a member of the GitHub Student Developer Pack). Tags Get help at Appwrite support Bootstrap Studio About Bootstrap Studio Bootstrap Studio is a powerful desktop app ...
If you're a student or academic faculty and your school isn't partnered with GitHub as a GitHub Campus Program school, then you can still individually apply for discounts to use GitHub. To apply for the Student Developer Pack, see the application form. ...
Get 1Password for free with the GitHub Student Developer Pack. Sign up today to securely manage passwords, streamline your workflow, and enjoy hassle-free online security.
GitHub Student Developer Pack怎么获取“学生包”?里面到底有什么呢?,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
The GitHub Student Developer Pack is a great free offer for those students, with terrific tools and services from GitHub partners, but felt it could use something more: our world-class IDE. Today we’ve announced that Visual Studio Community 2013 is joining the GitHub Student Developer Pack, ...