linuxarchlinuxnixosricingdesktop-setup UpdatedJan 24, 2025 Shell A script that allows to configure any new macOS and/or Linux desktops in a blink of an eye. It is configured via csv/txt files (script can run different sets of data). ...
【GitHub Desktop】客户端中文汉化(简体);【GitHub Desktop】 Simplified Chinese interface;(GitHub桌面版 中文汉化,非网页插件) simplified-chinesegithub-desktopsinicization UpdatedDec 22, 2021 JavaScript A portable build of GitHub Desktop packaged in compliance with the format specifications. ...
Find out what's new in the WDK Universal Windows drivers Write one driver that runs on Windows 11 for desktop editions, as well as other Windows editions that share a common set of interfaces. Getting Started with Universal Windows drivers ...
Here is an example of how you can create windows that don't look like your typical tkinter in windows. In this example, the windows have their titlebars removed. The result is windows that look much like those found when using Rainmeter, a desktop widget program. You can easily set the...
GitHub Desktop的下载网址为:。下载下来的文件GitHubSetup.exe是一个在线安装程序,有可能无法正常安装。为此,可下载离线安装包,其网址为。下载,解压后运行GitHub.application即可安装。 注意:如果离线安装程序无法运行,就需要先安装....
如果自承载 Windows 运行器未安装 PowerShell Core,则改用 PowerShell Desktop。 pwsh -command ". '{0}'"。 Windows powershell PowerShell 桌面。 GitHub 将扩展名 .ps1 追加到你的脚本名称。 powershell -command ". '{0}'"。 使用相同名称定义了多个默认设置时,GitHub 会使用最具体的默认设置。 ...
打开GitHubSetup.exe,如果能安装,那是最好。如果不能,继续看下去。 三、GitHub Desktop下载错误处理 错误提示:连接的主机没有反应 看到图片中的红框,可知,需要下载一个名为GitHub.application的文件。 那我们手动下载,把链接复制下来,直接粘贴到浏览器地址栏回车下载,或者打开下载器(如迅雷)新建下载。
要使用 HTTPS 以命令行克隆仓库,请在“Quick setup(快速设置)”下单击 。 要使用 SSH 密钥克隆仓库,包括组织的 SSH 认证中心颁发的证书,单击 SSH,然后单击 。 或者,要在 Desktop 中克隆仓库,请单击 Set up in Desktop(在 Desktop 中设置)并按照提示完成克隆。 打开Terminal(终端)Terminal(终端)Git Bash。
MD5SUM 文件: RabbitRemoteControl_v0.0.32_win64_msvc2022_64_qt6.8.1_Setup.exe.md5sum 从github 下载 从sourceforge 下载 Win32 Install package: RabbitRemoteControl_v0.0.32_win32_msvc2017_qt5.12.12_Setup.exe 从github 下载 从sourceforge 下载 MD5SUM file: RabbitRemoteControl_v0.0.32_win32_ms...
linuxsetupdotfilesunixriceawesomewmrofiwindowmanagerdesktop-environmentricingawesome-wmunixpornpicom UpdatedFeb 22, 2023 Lua lewagon/data-setup Star1.8k Code Issues Pull requests Setup instructions for Le Wagon's students on their first day of Data Science Bootcamp ...