If the package you are adding typings for is not on npm, set "nonNpm": true in the package.json, and make sure the name you choose for it does not conflict with the name of a package on npm. (You can use npm info <my-package> to check for the existence of the <my-package> ...
现在可以克隆 GitHub 存储库以在计算机上创建本地副本。 从您的本地仓库,您可以提交并创建拉取请求来更新上游仓库中的更改。 有关详细信息,请参阅克隆仓库和Set up Git。 可以在 GitHub 上找到有趣的项目和存储库,并通过创建存储库分支来更改它们。 为存储库创建分支可以在不影响原始存储库的情况下更改另一个存...
或者,要跳过提示,请提供存储库名称和可见性� �志(--public、--private 或--internal)。 例如 gh repo create project-name --public。 要在本地克隆存储库,请� 递 --clone � �志。 有关可能的参数的详细信息,请参阅 GitHub CLI 手册。提交...
Maltego Telegram - Rich Set of Entities & Transforms for OSINT on Telegram with Maltego Telegago - A Google Advanced Search specifically for finding public and private Telegram Channels and Chatrooms. Telegram Nearby Map - Webapp based on OpenStreetMap and the official Telegram library to find ...
Used as a set of practices and tools, DevOps integrates and automates the work of software development and operations as a means for improving the development life cycle. Offers in this bundle Travis CI GitHub Sentry BrowserStack +3 Learn more about Developer Operations Tools Virtual ...
Used as a set of practices and tools, DevOps integrates and automates the work of software development and operations as a means for improving the development life cycle. Offers in this bundle Travis CI GitHub Sentry BrowserStack +3 Learn more about Developer Operations Tools Virtual ...
the upcoming Project Panama. Natural Language Processing Libraries that specialize on processing text. Apache OpenNLP - Toolkit for common tasks like tokenization. CoreNLP - Stanford's CoreNLP provides a set of fundamental tools for tasks like tagging, named entity recognition, sentiment analysis and...
Project Goals :goal_net: Two of the more important goals of the PySimpleGUI project: Having fun Your success Funas a goal on a serious project sounds odd, but it's a serious goal. I find writing these GUI programs to be a lot of fun. One reason is how little time it takes to wr...
如上图所示,进入我们的 GitHub 主页,先点击右上角所示的倒三角▽图标,然后再点击Settins,进行设置页面;点击我们的头像亦可直接进入设置页面: 如上图所示,进入Settings页面后,再点击SSH and GPG Keys进入此子界面,然后点击New SSH key按钮: 如上图所示,我们只需要将公钥id_rsa.pub的内容粘贴到Key处的位置(Titles...
Caution: deepin-devicemanager is depend on polkit, So if build from source code, you have to add policy to usr/share/polkit-1/actions/. add deepin-devicemanager-authenticateProxy to /usr/bin. If run in Qt Creator, you should set [Project][Run Settings] [Run] [Run configuration] to ...