"message": "self-signed certificate in certificate chain", "name": "Error", "method": "post", "baseURL": " http://fastgpt-xxxxxx:3000" , "url": " https://awx.apps.os.xxxxxx.com/api/v2/job_templates/116/launch/" , "code": "SELF_SIGNED_CERT_IN_CHAIN" } } 请问,该问题该如...
My database is hosted in a secure environment and they use self-signed certificates which means I need to be able to connect over SSL without certificate verification, even though that is not ideal. It is really hard to debug because I cannot connect to that database outside of building an...
* issuer: C=CN; ST=GD; L=SZ; O=COM; OU=NSP; CN=CA; emailAddress=346608453@qq.com* SSL certificate verify result:selfsigned certificate in certificate chain (19), continuing anyway. > GET / HTTP/1.1 >Host: z.github.io >User-Agent: curl/7.52.1 >Accept:*/* 群英网络镇江数据中心(...
* issuer: C=CN; ST=GD; L=SZ; O=COM; OU=NSP; CN=CA; emailAddress=346608453@qq.com* SSL certificate verify result:selfsigned certificate in certificate chain (19), continuing anyway. > GET / HTTP/1.1 >Host: z.github.io >User-Agent: curl/7.52.1 >Accept:*/* 群英网络镇江数据中心(...
* SSL certificate verify result: self signed certificate in certificate chain ( 19 ) , continuing anyway.> GET / HTTP/1.1 > Host: z.github.io > User-Agent: curl/7.52.1 > Accept: / # 群英网络镇江数据中心 ( 电信 )curl -k -v https://z.github.io * About to connect ( ) to z...
132019 GMT* expire date:Sep2309:33:132029 GMT* issuer:C=CN;ST=GD;L=SZ;O=COM;OU=NSP;CN=CA;emailAddress=346608453@qq.com* SSL certificate verify result:selfsigned certificate in certificate chain (19), continuing anyway.>GET / HTTP/1.1>Host: z.github.io>User-Agent: curl/7.52.1>Accept...
* issuer: C=CN; ST=GD; L=SZ; O=COM; OU=NSP; CN=CA; emailAddress=346608453@qq.com* SSL certificate verify result:selfsigned certificate in certificate chain (19), continuing anyway. > GET / HTTP/1.1 >Host: z.github.io >User-Agent: curl/7.52.1 >Accept:*/* 群英网络镇江数据中心(...
If you are using a certificate signed by a certificate authority (CA), the certificate file that you upload to GitHub Enterprise Server must include a certificate chain with that CA's root certificate. To create such a file, concatenate your entire certificate chain (or "certificate bundle") ...
In other words, it's like the BIOS of an iPhone which makes sure that the kernel and other system files being booted whenever you turn on your iPhone are adequately signed by Apple and are not modified anyhow. The iBoot code was initially shared online several months back onReddit, but ...
Erroring out with ::error::self signed certificate in certificate chain on a fairly simple step of actions/setup-node@v3. I've turned off any VPN that I was using and I still get this same issue. I also disabled setting NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS. Though I wouldn't expect that to affect ...