A self-hosted runner is automatically removed from GitHub if it has not connected to GitHub Actions for more than 14 days. An ephemeral self-hosted runner is automatically removed from GitHub if it has not connected to GitHub Actions for more than 1 day. ...
Configure Token失效导致失败,重新打开新建Runner地址,复制token即可 重新配置Runner需要删除远端配置成功的Runner,删除本地解压文件,然后执行解压和配置 修改Workflow文件 修改runs-on runs-on: self-hosted 执行时遇到的问题 所有Failed to connect to github.com,Failed to download action以及git clone失败的问题,都可以...
To use self-hosted runners in a workflow, you can use labels or groups to specify the runner for a job.
Before we move on it is perhaps a good time to create an actual workflow that will eventually trigger our self-hosted runner. name:Run test on PRson:pull_request:{}jobs:test:name:"Run tests"runs-on:[self-hosted]steps:-name:Checkout repouses:actions/checkout@master-name:Run testsrun:yar...
为了作为一个 dotnet 的 GitHub Action Runner 的服务器,首先需要在自己的 CI 服务器上安装足够的负载。我下载了 VS 安装了所有能装的功能 而GitHub 的 Action Runner 运行器需要从 GitHub 仓库拉下来代码,此时就需要本地有全局配置了 Git 工具,在 https://git-scm.com/ 载安装最新版本的 Git 工具 ...
runs-on: [self-hosted, Windows, X64] steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - name: R build and check run: | R CMD build . R CMD check 包名_版本.tar.gz 其中runs-on中列出的是自定义 Runner 的标签,通过这些标签 GitHub 会选出相应的 Runner 去执行任务。这些标签会在部署时由部署脚本提示输入...
先看.github/workflow/blank.yml工作流文件,里面的runs-on指定了运行的标签,我这里是只运行在有blog标签的runner 上。下面再看仓库设置页面的Runner标签,可以看到有四个标签self_hosted linux x64 blog 。我原先就是没有blog 标签,所以导致runner在空闲的状态下,一直无法接收任务。需要...
页面查看 Runner 在GitHub 的 Actions 页面可以看到新增加的 Runner。 4. 使用测试 添加workflows 文件 在项目 master 分支,增加文件.github/workflows/blank.yml,内容如下: 代码语言:javascript 复制 name:CIon:push:branches:[master]jobs:hello:runs-on:self-hostedsteps:-uses:actions/checkout@v2-name:Run a ...
-e GITHUB_TOKEN="your token" \ -e RUNNER_NAME="your-runner" \ -e REPLACE_EXISTING_RUNNER="true" \ htynkn/github-action-runner 在Github上可以看到新的Runner信息 workflow中修改runs-on为self-hosted就可以了 runs-on: self-hosted
jobs:build:# 将 windows-latest 换为 self-hosted 就可以了 # runs-on:windows-latest runs-on:[self-hosted]steps:-uses:actions/checkout@v1-name:Buildwithdotnetrun:dotnet build--configuration Release-name:Testrun:dotnet test--configuration Release ...