Rulesets have the following advantages over branch protection rules. Unlike protection rules, multiple rulesets can apply at the same time, so you can be confident that every rule targeting a branch in your repository will be evaluated when someone interacts with that branch. SeeAbout rule layering...
uBlockOrigin/uAssets - Resources for uBlock Origin, uMatrix: static filter lists, ready-to-use rulesets, etc.AutoHotkeyraeleus/AHK-Macro-Recorder - An AutoHotkey script that allows you to record macros marius-sucan/KeyPress-OSD - This program is an On-Screen Display or a Heads-Up Display fo...
Branch protection rules and rulesets behave differently when you create a branch: with rulesets, we check only the commits that aren't accessible from other branches, whereas with branch protection rules, we do not verify signed commits unless you restrict ...
AntiCobaltStrike cobaltstrike Code and yara rules to detect and analyze Cobalt Strike AntiCobaltStrike CS_Decrypt 解密可以帮助你理解cs beacon通信原理,但注意密钥是在本地teamserver中 AntiCobaltStrike CS Scripts 对 .cobaltstrike.beacon_keys 文件的解析工具 AntiCobaltStrike PyBeac...
AdblockRules This is where you'll find the AdBlock rules I use, and some of the rulesets I've created to deal with things other lists don't focus on. My lists Allow lists AppleEnterpriseList: Plus Subscrip...
WordPressCS 2.0.0 contains breaking changes, both for people using custom rulesets as well as for sniff developers who maintain a custom PHPCS standard based on WordPressCS. Support for PHP_CodeSniffer 2.x has been dropped, the new minimum PHP_CodeSniffer version is 3.3.1. Also, all ...
Note: Semgrep is free CLI tool, however some rulesets ( are having various licences, some can be free to use and can be commercial.OWASP curated list of SAST tools :
Note:Semgrep is free CLI tool, however some rulesets ( are having various licences, some can be free to use and can be commercial. OWASP curated list of SAST tools : ...
Note: Semgrep is free CLI tool, however some rulesets ( are having various licences, some can be free to use and can be commercial.OWASP curated list of SAST tools :
Hit enter and you will be prompted questions such as what kind of rulesets you want. If you need help to decide whether to run some rules or not, type ? and press enter. Follow prompt output, (ex. hit enter to accept default action), it will take at least 10 minutes of your attent...