LOAD 'pg_statement_rollback.so'; SET pg_statement_rollback.enabled TO on; Then in your application when an error is thrown you will have to call ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT "PgSLRAutoSvpt"; to continue the running transaction at the state just before the error. ...
(e){returnawaittrx.rollback()}finally{constsqlLog=trx.getExecutionLog()console.log(sqlLog)/* [{sql: 'BEGIN TRANSACTION', bindings, time},{sql: 'INSERT INTO table VALUES ...', bindings, time},{sql: 'SELECT * FROM table WHERE id > 10', bindings, time},{sql: 'COMMIT', time}] ...
首先要保证要部署的 Web 目录就是 git clone 下来的一个 repository。这样 rollback 也方便,直接 checkout 某一个历史版本就好。 很简单地写了个 shell 脚本deploy.sh #!/bin/bashWEB_PATH='/var/www/dev.lovelucy.info'WEB_USER='lovelucydev'WEB_USERGROUP='lovelucydev'echo"Start deployment"cd$WEB_PA...
Nach Ausführung des Befehls ist ein Neustart erforderlich. Der Rollback wirkt sich nicht auf die Datenpartition aus, da Migrationen nicht mit Patch-Releases ausgeführt werden.ghe-upgrade-schedulerDieses Dienstprogramm verwaltet die geplante Installation von Upgrad...
Source control manages the files of your application, tracking changes, and facilitating review, acceptance, or rollback of changes to source code. You'll use Git as the standard local CLI-based source control repository tool, and GitHub as its web-based interface for integration with co...
are safe. You can rollback the changes or even delete the repository and start over - just be sure to save the markdown files! Finally, you can also write scripts that process the structured data on the site, such as this one that analyzes metadata in pages about talks to display a ...
are safe. You can rollback the changes or even delete the repository and start over - just be sure to save the markdown files! Finally, you can also write scripts that process the structured data on the site, such as this one that analyzes metadata in pages about talks to display a ...
Transaction Manager(TM): Define the scope of global transaction: begin a global transaction, commit or rollback a global transaction. Resource Manager(RM): Manage resources that branch transactions working on, talk to TC for registering branch transactions and reporting status of branch transactions,...
Darüber hinaus kannst du dieses Dienstprogramm verwenden, um ein Rollback einer Patch-Veröffentlichung auszuführen, wenn ein Upgrade fehlschlägt oder unterbrochen wird. Weitere Informationen findest du unter Upgrade von GitHub Enterprise Server....
Dépanne toujours et fonctionne très bien pour des sites web simples. Capistrano, un outil pour déployer automatiquement sur un serveur distant, avec gestion de version, rollbacks etc... Pour un déploiement sans stress DevOps "DevOps is a meaningful term" Pourquoi notre workflow Devops ...