Revert "revert to a recent commitID" Browse files This reverts commit 6146b7a.Loading branch information kur0mi committed Jul 27, 2018 1 parent 6146b7a commit fc5dc4a Showing 12 changed files with 153 additions and 0 deletions. Whitespace Ignore whitespace Split Unified ...
Loading branch information micjahn committed Jan 18, 2023 1 parent 3de17db commit 4f77f31 Showing 23 changed files with 106 additions and 333 deletions. Whitespace Ignore whitespace Split Unified Clients/WPFDemo/WPFDemo Properties Resources.Designer.cs Settings.Designer.cs WPFDemo.csproj Sourc...
Edit previous commit messages Combine multiple commits into one Delete or revert commits that are no longer necessary Warning Because changing your commit history can make things difficult for everyone else using the repository, it's considered bad practice to rebase commits when you've already pushed...
commit-msg - 在开发者编写提交信息后执行,仅有临时文件名一个参数 post-commit - 在commit-msg后立马执行,更多做通知用 我们可以用prepare-commit-msg对提交信息规范做说明,并用commit-msg对规范的执行进行检查,脚本的非0的返...
在这里阅读如何“重置”您的更改How to move HEAD back to a previous location? (Detached head)
Commit, stash or revert them to proceed. 1. 2. 3. 这是因为本地有文件改动未提交,并且该文件和Git服务器最新版本有冲突,此时pull更新就会提示错误,无法更新。 Git小白,不敢随便点点点,所以记录下解决方法~ 方法一: 保留本地改动的同时,并把Git服务器上的代码pull下来: ...
git checkout撤销某次提交的某个文件的内容(Revert a specific file from a previous commit) 重置头指针到过去的某个提交上,版本回退(Reset your HEAD pointer to a previous commit) git reset --hard回退到某个版本(Discarding local changes) git reset回退到某个版本并保存未追踪的改动 ...
(my-branch*)$ git commit --amend 我想要暂存一个新文件的一部分,而不是这个文件的全部 一般来说...
Check the status before commit and stage it: k@laptop:~/GitDemo$ git status On branch master Changes to be committed: (use "git reset HEAD..." to unstage) modified: Book1.rtf Changes not staged for commit: (use "git add..." to update what will be committed) (use "git checkout ...
Git is special (and pretty much mandatory) because you can to revert back to any previous version of your code, branch off and develop a specific feature without affecting anything or anyone else, and maintain safety from data corruption because of its distributed nature. ...