create device with interface associate wireless lan to interface Expected Behavior items in Interface.wireless_lans collection of WirelessLAN object in Swagger schema Observed Behavior items in Interface.wireless_lans collection of number in Swagger schema, but REST API return WirelessLAN objectsjan...
通过ERest,你可以在定义 API 的同时,完成参数模型的定义、API格式的定义,同时生成便于写 API 测试的脚手架,像调用本地方法一样写 API 测试,并自动完成 API 文档的生成(包括示例数据),同时生成 Swagger、Postman、基于 axios 的 js-sdk(更多功能支持自定义)。
Postcat是一个强大的开源、跨平台(Windows、Mac、Linux、Browsers...)的API开发测试工具,支持 REST、Websocket 等协议(即将支持GraphQL、gRPC、TCP、UDP),帮助你加速完成 API 开发和测试工作。 主打开源+插件生态,它是免费的,有 API 相关的核心功能,适合中小团队及个人开发者。2022 年被 Gitee(码云)评为GVP(最有...
spring-boot-demo-ratelimit-redis spring-boot 使用 Redis + Lua 脚本实现分布式限流,保护 API spring-boot-demo-https spring-boot 集成 HTTPS 待完成 spring-boot-demo-elasticsearch-rest-high-level-client spring boot 集成 ElasticSearch 7.x 版本,使用官方 Rest High Level Client 操作 ES 数据 License MIT...
在正常swagger配置上,需要加入如下这段配置: @Configuration @EnableSwagger2 @ConditionalOnProperty(prefix = "spring", value = {""}, havingValue = "dev") @Import(BeanValidatorPluginsConfiguration.class) public class Swagger2 { @Bean public Docket createRestApi() { // 其他配置 Swagger...
用springboot + springmvc + mybatis + maven搭建成框架,基于Jersey, Swagger,SwaggerUi的restful API redisspring-bootrabbitmqqrcoderestapiswagger-uispring-integrationredis-queueqrcode-generatorredis-pubsubspringboot-springmvc-mybatis UpdatedNov 7, 2018 ...
Showing 4 changed files with 2,931 additions and 2 deletions. Whitespace Ignore whitespace Split Unified pkg/api/rest/docs .gitignore docs.go swagger.json swagger.yaml 2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions 2 pkg/api/rest/docs/.gitignore Load diff This file was deleted. Oops, ...
APIV1.swagger.meta = { swagger: "2.0", info: { version: "1.0.0", title: "My API", description: "My REST API", termsOfService: "", contact: { name: "Example team" }, license: { name: "MIT" } }, securityDefinitions: { userSecurityToken : { type:...
apirestspringrestfulswaggerrestapispringboothttpstatusspringbootdemorestfulapiresponseentity Activity 37stars 2watching 22forks Packages No packages published Languages Java98.9% Dockerfile1.1%
What's Swagger? The goal of Swagger™ is to define a standard, language-agnostic interface to REST APIs which allows both humans and computers to discover and understand the capabilities of the service without access to source code, documentation, or through network traffic inspection. When prope...