原文链接:https://medium.com/better-programming/10-extraordinary-github-repos-for-all-developers-939cdeb28ad0 欢迎点击“京东智联云”了解更多精彩内容。 以上信息来源于网络,由“京东智联云开发者”公众号编辑整理,不代表京东智联云立场。
原文链接:https://medium.com/better-programming/10-extraordinary-github-repos-for-all-developers-939cdeb28ad0 欢迎点击“京东智联云”了解更多精彩内容。 以上信息来源于网络,由“京东智联云开发者”公众号编辑整理,不代表京东智联云立场。
前不久我在逛 Medium 的时候,偶然看到一篇文章《10 ExtraordinaryGitHubRepos for All Developers》,作者在里面介绍了他在 GitHub 上见到的最为惊艳的 10 个 GitHub 项目,我大致看了下,发现里面大部分项目技术覆盖面都比较广,质量也颇高,适合开发者们把玩研究。 今天的分享,也算是一次简单的复盘,我们花了点时间梳...
design-resources-for-developersPublicForked frombradtraversy/design-resources-for-developers Curated list of design and UI resources from stock photos, web templates, CSS frameworks, UI libraries, tools and much more free-for-devPublicForked fromripienaar/free-for-dev ...
That can be kind of embarrassing, especially if your the kind of person who works messy, and cleans everything up after.Sometimes you’ll be working under an NDA, or even just a handshake agreement to keep things quiet until they’re ready. Public repos kind of defeat that purpose.Now in...
The playground depends on local copies of various probcomp repos in a relative path to this directory. See the docker-compose.yml file for the full list or run the make bootstrap command: $ make bootstrap bayeslite repo not found at ../bayeslite. cloning... Cloning into '../bayeslite...
Search for open-source projects. For example, theGitHub Actionsorganization features many popular open-source repos containing GitHub Actions you can use. Write your own GitHub Actions from scratch. You can make them open source, or even publish them to the GitHub Marketplace. ...
学习软件工程主题最有效的方法之一是动手创建它们。现在,创建数据库、操作系统或聊天机器人是一项相当艰巨的任务。 这个GitHub仓库包含一系列教程,将指导您构建软件工程中的几乎所有内容。如果你想通过自己创建一个主题来深入探讨它,你现在知道在哪里寻找它了!
GitKraken Desktop is the most popular Git client for Windows, Mac & Linux, offering both a GUI and terminal interface. Deep integration with GitHub repos and issues enable interactive pull request management and issue management directly in the client. Offers Offer Free GitKraken Pro license, enabli...
请求路径/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.SecurityDevOps/gitHubConnectors/{gitHubConnectorName}/owners/{gitHubOwnerName}/repos/{gitHubRepoName} 操作IdGitHubRepo_Get GetAvailableLocations(CancellationToken) 列出所有可用的地理位置。 (继承自 ArmResource) Get...