Command-line application that dynamically generates a professional file from a user's input using the Inquirer package. User Story AS A developer I WANT a README generator SO THAT I can quickly create a professional README for a new project Acceptance Criteria GIVEN a command-line...
rahuldkjain/github-profile-readme-generator Sponsor Star22.4k 🚀 Generate GitHub profile README easily with the latest add-ons like visitors count, GitHub stats, etc using minimal UI. githubreactmarkdownreadmegeneratorgatsbyhacktoberfest Remove additional Gitter link (#75086) Sep 13, 2024 Restore.cmd Arcade layout (#31560) Dec 11, 2018 Roslyn.lutconfig Preserve spacing on trivia for invert if (#66660) Feb 2, 2023 Roslyn.sln Add Copilot UI prototype to Semantic Search window (#77222) ... Remove additional Gitter link (#75086) Sep 13, 2024 Restore.cmd Arcade layout (#31560) Dec 11, 2018 Roslyn.lutconfig Preserve spacing on trivia for invert if (#66660) Feb 2, 2023 Roslyn.sln Add Copilot UI prototype to Semantic Search window (#77222) ...
之前不是创建了.editorconfig、LICENSE、circle.yml、.gitignore、README.md吗,这四个复制过来。 3. 初始化eslint npx eslint--init How would youliketouse ESLint? 选第三个 What typeofmodules does your project use? 选第一个 Which framework does your project use?
anuraghazra / github-readme-stats 在你的 README 中获取动态生成的 GitHub 统计信息! gelstudios / gitfiti 随意更改 commit 历史。 carloscuesta / gitmoji 在commit 信息中添加 emoji。 网站: GitHub Card 生成GitHub 仓库预览图。 游戏 在线万花尺绘制器 在线万花尺绘制工具。 JustArc...
【Add Math and LaTeX to your Github】☕网页链接在Github 的 加入 数学公式 和LaTex 排版的支持。 【Privacy-focused, ad-free, non-tracking torrent search engine】☕网页链接 【Chinese Dynasties: 4000+ years of history】☕网页链接中国历代:4000多年的历史。 update > doc 7年前 pom.xml update > for close issue #129 7年前 简介 Spring Boot API Project Seed 是一个基于Spring Boot & MyBatis的种子项目,用于快速构建中小型API、RESTful API项目,该种子项目已经有过多个真实项目的实践,稳定、简单、快速,使我们摆脱那些重复劳动,专注于业务代码的编写,...
A README file, along with a repository license, contribution guidelines, and a code of conduct, helps you share expectations and manage contributions to your project. rebase To reapply a series of changes from a branch to a different base, and reset the HEAD of that branch to the result. ...
communityandDiscord serverto share the created maps, discuss the Generator, suggest ideas and get a most recent updates. You may also contact me directly viaemail. For bug reports please use the projectissues pageor Discord "Bugs" channel. If you are facing performance issues, please readthe ...