master 分支即 dev 版本,release-5.0 即 5.0 版本。 当需要更新一个文档时,通常先通过提 PR 更新 master 分支上的文件,然后再cherry-pick到 release-5.0 分支。 cherry-pick是什么意思呢?官方的解释是 "You can pick a specific commit on one branch and copy the commit to another branch." 接下来看一下...
When a cherry-pick was applied successfully, this script will open up a browser tab that points to the pull request creation page. The url of the pull request page looks similar to the following:<username>:backport-6de2b78-3.12?expand=1...
pip install git+ Checkout with GitHub CLI gh pr checkout 12183 What changes are proposed in this pull request? Cherry-pick list of commits marked withpatch-2.13.1. The list is generated by runningpython dev/ --...
Pull Request 2.0 往前踏了一大步,代码审查和接受补丁(那时候的 Fork Queue 已经可以cherry-pick了,虽然跟现在的概念不完全一样)都更方便了,但还是缺了点什么。2011 年, PR 有了下一个质的飞跃:合并按钮,合并一个 PR 再也不用通过 git 命令行输入好几个 command 了,只要点一下合并按钮,就能自动合并并关闭...
具体的解决方法github spark pr已经给出了解决方法,修改相应的代码就行,但是仅仅是修改的话,我们可以选择一种更加优雅的方式(以git cherry-pick方式), 现在简单的分享一下: 直接找到setRolledLogsIncludePattern一行, sparkConf.get(ROLLED_LOG_INCLUDE_PATTERN).foreach{includePattern=>try{val logAggregationContext=Re...
*(针对项目维护者)cherry-pick、format-patch和am 这几条命令主要针对项目的维护者,稍微提一下。 git pull和git merge是GitHub上最常用的merge Pull Requests的方式,在命令行下merge之后,GitHub上面的PullRequest也会相应地自动关闭。 如果贡献者一次提交了多条commits,有些是维护者并不想要的,可以用这几条命令来选...
*(针对项目维护者)cherry-pick、format-patch和am 这几条命令主要针对项目的维护者,稍微提一下。 git pull和git merge是GitHub上最常用的merge Pull Requests的方式,在命令行下merge之后,GitHub上面的PullRequest也会相应地自动关闭。 如果贡献者一次提交了多条commits,有些是维护者并不想要的,可以用这几条命令来选...
you can cherry-pick the commit to apply the changes to another branch. You can also use cherry-picking to apply specific changes before you are ready to create or merge a pull request. For example, if you commit a bug fix to a feature branch, you can cherry-pick the commit with the ...
If you commit changes to the wrong branch or want to make the same changes to another branch, you can cherry-pick the commit to apply the changes to another branch. You can also use cherry-picking to apply specific changes before you are ready to create or merge a pull requ...
克隆Pull Request Gitee SVN支持 Gitee SVN 增加 SSH 支持 PullRequest 代码已阅功能 在线重命名或删除文件 PullRequest Cherry Pick 功能介绍 保护分支 - 评审模式介绍 如何获取仓库转移码 仓库体积过大,如何减小? Git LFS 操作指南 如何设置保护分支?