20221104 Spring boot // java @Target({METHOD, FIELD, ANNOTATION_TYPE, CONSTRUCTOR, PARAMETER}) // TODO : double check it @Retention(RUNTIME) @Documented @Constraint(validatedBy = {EnumValue.EnumValueValidator.class}) Java Class<?> 20221102 Java Collect...
Windows Templates for Packer: Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows Server 2022, 2019, 2016, also with Docker - StefanScherer/packer-windows
Call to Action Try out the combination of Visual Studio Code and GitHub today, by going to your favorite C or C++ project on GitHub, and press the.(period) key to open Browse around. Experiment with the editor features of Visual Studio Code. When you’re ready to try...
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We at Microsoft Edge Add-ons team have been working actively to make publishing extensions to Microsoft Edge Add-ons quicker and easier, and we have something new for you! We are happy to announce that you can nowsign-in to Partner Center using GitHubto publish extensions to Microsoft Ed...
When using artifacts from a repo(private) that resides in a Github Org Azure DevOps agent fails to download artifacts. Below is the error and...
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